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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版六年級英語上冊 > 《I often go swimming》PPT課件下載

《I often go swimming》PPT課件下載

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《I often go swimming》PPT課件下載《I often go swimming》PPT課件下載

外研版六年級英語上冊《I often go swimming》PPT課件下載,共14頁。

She sometimes cleans the blackboard  for her teacher.

Who is it?

She is Lili.

She never plays with dolls.

Who is it?

She is Lingling.

He often goes swimming.

Who is it?

He is Sam.

Do you often...?

go to see films 去看電影  

watch TV 看電視

speak English 說英語

read stories  看故事

play computer games玩電腦游戲

help your mum幫助媽媽

clean your room打掃你的房間  

eat fast food 吃快餐 

... ... ...

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