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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版八年級英語上冊 > 《While the lights were changing to red a car suddenly appeared》Accidents PPT優質課件(第2課時)

《While the lights were changing to red a car suddenly appeared》Accidents PPT優質課件(第2課時)

《While the lights were changing to red a car suddenly appeared》Accidents PPT優質課件(第2課時) 詳細介紹:

《While the lights were changing to red a car suddenly appeared》Accidents PPT優質課件(第2課時)《While the lights were changing to red a car suddenly appeared》Accidents PPT優質課件(第2課時)

外研版八年級英語上冊《While the lights were changing to red a car suddenly appeared》Accidents PPT優質課件(第2課時),共23頁。

The process of the accident

Listen and complete the sentences.

While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly _________ ______ ___ _______.

It stopped just______ ______.

The boy____ _____ and_____ his knee.

Discuss in groups 

Discuss the risk of an accident while you are riding 

Don’t listen to music

Don’t ride side by side

Don’t ride too fast

pay attention

talk on mobile phone

traffic lights

round the corner


Retell the process and causes of this accident given on the video.

Write a report about this new accident according to the mind-map.

Teaching Objectives 

1. Language competence

2. Ability of knowledge migration

3. Rules and safety awareness

4. Social responsibility

Teaching Approaches

Task-based approach

Communicative approach

Group cooperative approach

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