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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版六年級英語下冊 > 《He is playing the suonabut the phone rings》PPT課件(第2課時)

《He is playing the suonabut the phone rings》PPT課件(第2課時)

《He is playing the suonabut the phone rings》PPT課件(第2課時) 詳細介紹:

《He is playing the suonabut the phone rings》PPT課件(第2課時)《He is playing the suonabut the phone rings》PPT課件(第2課時)

外研版六年級英語下冊《He is playing the suonabut the phone rings》PPT課件(第2課時),共13頁。

Play a game

Tim is running, but it starts to rain.

They are dancing, but the bell rings.

Listen and say.

Daming is playing the suona, but the phone rings.

Daming is playing the suona again, but the bell rings.

Try to do.


1. Lin Tao is doing his homework, ____ (but/so) the phone rings. 

2. Tingting is________ (dance/dancing) for us. 

3. The girl is________ (cross/crossing) the street, but a car comes. 

4.“Get up!It’s seven o’clock,” my mother_______ (say/says). 

5. I can’t________ (hear/listen) you. It’s too noisy. 


重點短語:play the suona

重點句式:Daming is playing the suona, but the phone rings.

Daming is playing the suona again, but the bell rings.


1. 背過活動三的重點句式。

2. 向家人展示自己跟讀模仿課文錄音的情況。

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