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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 魯科版四年級英語上冊 > 《My father has short hair》Family PPT下載(第1課時)

《My father has short hair》Family PPT下載(第1課時)

《My father has short hair》Family PPT下載(第1課時) 詳細介紹:

《My father has short hair》Family PPT下載(第1課時)《My father has short hair》Family PPT下載(第1課時)

魯科版四年級英語上冊《My father has short hair》Family PPT下載(第1課時),共27頁。


tall  高的

I’m tall.

strong  強壯的

I’m strong.

hair  頭發

I have hair.

long  長的

I have long hair.


A: Is that your father?

B: No. My father is ____________?

A: Is that your father?

B:  No. My father ____________.

A: Is that your mother?

B: No. My mother ___________.

A: Look! My ________ are coming.


— Is that+姓名/稱呼?


— Yes. 是的。/ No. 不是。



A: Is that your…?

B: Yes./ No.



... ... ...

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