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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 精通版四年級英語上冊 > 《What's your number?》Flash動畫課件6

《What's your number?》Flash動畫課件6

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《What's your number?》Flash動畫課件6

本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit2《What's your number?》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載!

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  • 《What's your number?》PPT教學課件(第2課時)

    《What's your number?》PPT教學課件(第2課時)

    精通版四年級英語上冊《What's your number?》PPT教學課件(第2課時),共23頁。 Whats nine and ten? Its nineteen. Whats ten and ten? Twenty. 例:name 名字 Whats your name? 你的名字是什么? time 時間 Whats the time? 現在幾點了? Its 10:15. Im lat..

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    精通版四年級英語上冊《What's your number?》PPT教學課件(第1課時),共24頁。 Which class are you in? Im in Class One, Grade Three. Just read and write Whats your number? Im number thirteen. Whats your number? Im number thirteen. My number is..

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    精通版四年級英語上冊《What's your number?》PPT優秀課件,共22頁。 one num. 一 【近義詞】a/an 一個/塊/只 【序數詞】first 第一 【短語】one by one 一個接一個地 【例句】I have one sister. 我有一個姐姐。 two num. 二 【序數詞】 second 第二 【短語..

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    外研版七年級英語上冊《What's your number?》PPT優質課件,共17頁。 Listen and chant. One, two, three, four, five, Once I caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let it go again. Listen and read. Daming: Betty, whats your te..

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    外研版七年級英語上冊《What's your number?》PPT精品課件,共28頁。 Life is full of numbers, where can you see them? student n.學生 How many students are there? There are five students. How many ... are there? There are... boy(s) n.男孩 girl(..

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    外研版七年級英語上冊《What's your number?》PPT免費下載,共25頁。 課堂導入 Do you know how to say your telephone number? 知識講解 Are you a new student here?你是這里的一名新生嗎? 一般疑問句是對某一情況的是、否提出質疑,常用yes或no回答,朗..


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