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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 精通版五年級英語下冊 > 《We're watching the games》PPT課件5

《We're watching the games》PPT課件5

《We're watching the games》PPT課件5 詳細介紹:

《We\re watching the games》PPT課件5《We\re watching the games》PPT課件5

《We're watching the games》PPT課件5


---What are they doing?



Zhou Pei:Hi, Peter! 

Are you watching the high jump?

Yes, I am. Look! 

The girls are doing the high jump.

Look at the boys! 

Are they doing the high jump, too?

No, they aren’t. 

They’re doing the long jump.

... ... ...


1. Are you watching the _________? 

2. They’re doing the ___________. 

3. The young girls are ________. 

They’re _________ so _______.

... ... ...



high jump   long jump

run             fast


---Are you watching the high jump?

---Yes, I am.


---Are they doing the high jump, too?

---No, they aren’t.

... ... ...


1. 觀看課文動畫,按照正確的語音、語調朗讀課文。

2. 到目前為止,我們學習了幾個運動類的詞組?請你列個清單吧!

3. 預習Lesson36。

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