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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 精通版六年級英語下冊 > 《There is a park near my home》PPT課件5

《There is a park near my home》PPT課件5

《There is a park near my home》PPT課件5 詳細介紹:

《There is a park near my home》PPT課件5《There is a park near my home》PPT課件5

《There is a park near my home》PPT課件5

Free talk

Is your home farm from our school?

How do you come to school today?

How long does it take to get to our school?

Look and say

What’s in the picture?

Who are the children?

What are they doing?

Listen and answer

1. Is this a map of a community?

No, it isn’t.

2. Where is the man going?

He’s going to the City Library.

3. Does he know the way?

No, he doesn’t.

... ... ...

Listen and read

Man: Excuse me. How can I get to the City Library? 

Li Yan: The City Library? Oh, you can go there by No.6 bus.

Man: Is it far from here?

Yang Ming: No, it it’s about half an hour by bus.

Man: But where is the bus stop?

Li Yan: Look! It’s just over there.

Yang Ming: You can get off the bus at the third stop, and then he will find a supermarket on your right. The City Library is near the supermarket.

Man: Thanks a lot!

Li Yan & Yang Ming: You’re welcome!

... ... ...

Tips for actors


Tips for actors

Read fluently  


Act fluently 


Act it out with emotions


... ... ...



half an hour   City Library 


How can I get to the City Library? 

You can get there by bus.




3.預習 Lesson12。

關鍵詞:《There is a park near my home》教學課件,人教精通版六年級下冊英語PPT課件下載,六年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《There is a park near my home》PPT課件下載,.PPT格式;

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