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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 仁愛版英語七年級上冊 > 《What can I do for you?》SectionB Flash動畫課件

《What can I do for you?》SectionB Flash動畫課件

《What can I do for you?》SectionB Flash動畫課件 詳細介紹:

《What can I do for you?》SectionB Flash動畫課件《What can I do for you?》SectionB Flash動畫課件

《What can I do for you?》SectionB Flash動畫課件


關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What can I do for you?》動畫下載,.swf格式;

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  • 《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT教學課件下載

    《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT教學課件下載

    外研版七年級英語下冊《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT教學課件下載,共18頁。 Shop worker: What can I do for you? Lingling: Id like to buy a T-shirt for my mum. 1. What can I do for you? Can I help you? 以上是購物時候服務人員用語,可以..

  • 《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT優秀課件

    《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT優秀課件

    外研版七年級英語下冊《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT優秀課件,共43頁。 Listening and vocabulary market n. 市場 supermarket n. 超市 clothes shop 服裝店 biscuit n. 餅干 lemon n. 檸檬 sausage n. 香腸;臘腸 strawberry n. 草莓 Listen and..

  • 《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT優質課件

    《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT優質課件

    外研版七年級英語下冊《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT優質課件,共22頁。 1. What can I do for you? 我能為你做些什么? 常用于商店、飯店、旅館、郵局等消費或辦事場所,對顧客的招呼語。 2. I'd like to buy a T-shirt for my mum? buy sb sth =..

  • 《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT免費下載

    《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT免費下載

    外研版七年級英語下冊《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT免費下載,共18頁。 market n. 市場 Wheres the market? Its on the Renmin Road. supermarket n. 超市 Some tomatoes and eggs are on sale in the supermarket. biscuit n. 餅干 Please buy so..

  • 《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT免費課件

    《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT免費課件

    外研版七年級英語下冊《What can I do for you?》Shopping PPT免費課件,共17頁。 Mother's Day is coming. I want to do something for my mum. buy some fruit make a meal buy a T-shirt Listen and answer 1. What is Lingling going to buy for her mot..

  • 《What can I do for you?》PPT課件

    《What can I do for you?》PPT課件

    仁愛版七年級英語上冊《What can I do for you?》PPT課件,共18頁。 Daily Recitation 1.多少錢? 2.我們要買它。 3.我能試穿它嗎? 4.我想給我女兒買些衣服。 5.不客氣。 6.它穿在你身上真好看。 7.我能幫你什么忙嗎? Key points 1.What do you think of ?..


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