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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 仁愛版英語九年級上冊 > 《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionD MP3音頻課件

《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionD MP3音頻課件

《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionD MP3音頻課件 詳細介紹:

《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionD MP3音頻課件


關鍵詞:仁愛版九年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Pollution has caused too many problems》音頻下載,.mp3格式;

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  • 《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionC MP3音頻課件

    《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionC MP3音頻課件

    《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionC MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版九年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Pollution has caused too many problems》音頻下載,.mp3格式;..

  • 《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionB MP3音頻課件

    《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionB MP3音頻課件

    《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionB MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版九年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Pollution has caused too many problems》音頻下載,.mp3格式;..

  • 《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionA MP3音頻課件

    《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionA MP3音頻課件

    《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionA MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版九年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Pollution has caused too many problems》音頻下載,.mp3格式;..

  •  《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionD PPT

    《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionD PPT

    《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionD PPT 第一部分內容:新課導入 They are caused by pollution. It _____ (be) beautiful in the past. Kangkang _______ (go) there two years ago. Simple past 強調過去 The flowers and grass ________..

  • 《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionC PPT

    《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionC PPT

    《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionC PPT 第一部分內容:Speak out the names of the pollution. air pollution light pollution litter water pollution soil pollution noise pollution Noise is a sort/kind of pollution. There are all..

  • 《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionB PPT

    《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionB PPT

    《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionB PPT 第一部分內容:新課導入 1b A. Listen to 1a and check the questions you hear. Question Answer 1. Whats wrong with you? _____ 2. How long have you been like this? _____ 3. Where have you..


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