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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 牛津譯林版英語六年級上冊 > 《Signs》課堂練習PPT


《Signs》課堂練習PPT 詳細介紹:





1.—What does the______(標識) mean? 

—It m______the floor is wet.

2.“No parking.” means you can't p______your car here.

3.“No eating or drinking.” means you can't e______ or d______ here.


1. sign (復數) _____________

2.mean (第三人稱單數) _____________ 

3.eat (過去式) _____________

4.this (復數) _____________ 

5.drink (現在分詞) _____________ 

6.litter (現在分詞) _____________

7.cannot (縮寫形式) _____________ 

8.smoke (過去式) _____________  

9.they (單數) _____________ 

10.here (對應詞) _____________

... ... ...



1. 那家購物中心有許多標識.

There are a lot of______at that____________.


Be ______ ! The ______ is wet.


It______you ______smoke here.


What does that______?


1. The sign______ (mean) you can't litter here.

2.Look at this sign.It means “No______ (park).”

3.Helen and Su Hai are ______(eat) some noodles in a restaurant.

4.I know why we shouldn't ______ (sing) songs here.

5.Today______ (be) her birthday.


(  ) 1. Can you see that sign? A.It means we can't litter here.

(  ) 2.What does it mean?        B.Yes, I can.

(  ) 3.Do you want some juice?  C.I'm riding a bike.

(  ) 4.Please don't smoke here.  D.Yes, please.

(  ) 5.What are you doing?       E.I watched a film with my mum.

(  ) 6.What did you do there?   F.I'm sorry.

... ... ...



It is Saturday afternoon. Liu Tao and his friend David are taking a walk in the park. There are many public signs in it. They mean different things. Liu Tao knows a lot of things about them. Suddenly, they see a short man walking on the grass. Liu Tao points to the sign on the grass and says to him, “Sir, look at the sign! You can’t walk on the grass.” The man smiles and says, “You are right, young man. But I’m the park keeper(管理員). I’m looking after the grass.”

(  ) 1. It is Saturday afternoon.

(  ) 2.The boys can see many public signs in the park. 

(  ) 3.Liu Tao doesn't know the things about the public signs.

(  ) 4.The man can't see the public signs in the park.

(  ) 5.The man is the park keeper. He wants to take a walk on the grass. 


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