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《Hobbies Are Fun!》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT教學課件

《Hobbies Are Fun!》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT教學課件 詳細介紹:

《Hobbies Are Fun!》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT教學課件《Hobbies Are Fun!》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT教學課件《Hobbies Are Fun!》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT教學課件《Hobbies Are Fun!》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT教學課件

《Hobbies Are Fun!》Enjoy Your Hobby PPT教學課件


What types of hobbies can you think of?

What new hobby do you like? Why?

“A happy child has a hobby.” That’s an old saying, and it’s true. A hobby is not only fun but also useful. A hobby can help build your confidence and make your life more colourful. It can help you make more friends and teach you to work well with others.

There are many different types of hobbies. 

Some people like to collect things such as stamps, toy cars and postcards. Other hobbies are outdoor activities.

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Hobbies Are Fun!PPT,第二部分內容:Language points

1.not only…but also  不但……而且



Not only Mr. Lin but also his son joined the 

Party two years ago.


He plays not only the piano but also the violin.


Not only the students but also the teacher was  

against the plan.


Not only the teacher but also the students were 

against the plan.


2.confidence 名詞   信心

常用結構:build one’s confidence樹立某人的信心

He is always full of confidence in everything.


If you want to succeed, you must build your 

confidence from the beginning.



make friends with    與……交朋友

make a mistake       犯錯誤

make a noise           吵鬧,弄出噪聲

make a shopping list   寫一個購物單

make a telephone call    打電話

make a decision      作出決定

make a face            做鬼臉

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Hobbies Are Fun!PPT,第三部分內容:課堂練習

A reporter interviewed people about their hobbies. 

Listen to the statements and match the names with the hobbies.

Jim       I like playing chess in my spare time.

Wang Lin   I enjoy collecting sports cards.

Jack      I’m interested in learning about my family history.

Kate      I really love singing. Singing is a big part of my life.

Sun Yang  When I have free time, I read story books.

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