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《Home to Many Cultures》Culture Shapes Us PPT

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《Home to Many Cultures》Culture Shapes Us PPT《Home to Many Cultures》Culture Shapes Us PPT《Home to Many Cultures》Culture Shapes Us PPT

《Home to Many Cultures》Culture Shapes Us PPT

第一部分內容:New words 

1. percent        n. 百分之……

2. central         adj. 中部的,中間的

3. immigrant    n. 移民

4. according to   prep. 根據;依據

5. official          adj. 官方的;正式的

6. custom         n. 習慣;習俗;風俗

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Home to Many CulturesPPT,第二部分內容:Read the lesson and answer the questions.

(1)What percent of Canadians are from the First Nations? 

(2)What languages do most immigrants to Canada speak?

(3)Why are there many cultures in Canada?

(4)What’s the Canadian way of understanding the world?

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Home to Many CulturesPPT,第三部分內容:Main phrases:

·according to

·Central America

Main sentences:

·Three percent of all Canadians are First Nations people.

·Now more than half of Canadians have British or French blood.

·The rest are from every part of the world:Asia,Africa,Central America,South America,Australia and other European countries.

·In the 1970s and 1980s,that changed.

·According to a survey,the number of European immigrants dropped from 90 percent to 25 percent,and the number of Asian immigrants rose from 3 percent to 48 percent.

·It is important that people from different cultures can live together in one country.

·Is there a Canadian food?

·Is there a Canadian way of understanding the world?

·It’s that people should respect and accept one another and help one another.

·It’s important to keep different languages,religions and customs alive.

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Home to Many CulturesPPT,第四部分內容:教材解讀

1.Three percent of all Canadians are First Nations people.


◆First Nations意為“第一民族”,指加拿大被官方認可的印第安人社區。

2.Now more than half of Canadians have British or French blood.

half of…意為“一半的……”,后加名詞,以這類短語作主語時,如果后面的名詞是不可數名詞,謂語動詞用單數;如果后面的名詞是可數名詞復數,謂語動詞用復數。

3.The rest are from every part of the world:Asia,Africa,Central America,South America,Australia and other European countries.

rest在本句中用作名詞,the rest意為“剩余部分,其余;其余的人”,表示“……的剩余”,要用the rest of,作主語時其謂語的形式要由of后名詞的單復數而定。

4.In the 1970s and 1980s,that changed.

表示“某世紀幾十年代”可在表示整幾十年份的數字后加“s”或“’s”,in the 1970s=in the 1970’s,意為“在20世紀70年代”。

5.According to a survey,the number of European immigrants dropped from 90 percent to 25 percent,and the number of Asian immigrants rose from 3 percent to 48 percent.

◆according to…意為“根據……”,后加名詞或代詞,用作狀語,多用于句首。主要用來表示“根據”某學說、某書刊、某文件、某人所說等或表示“按照”某法律、某規定、某慣例、某情況等。

◆句中的the number of意為“……的數量”,后加名詞,以這類短語作主語時,謂語動詞多使用單數形式。類似的短語有a number of,意為“一些”,后加名詞復數,以這類短語作主語時,謂語動詞多使用復數形式。

6.It is important that people from different cultures can live together in one country.

it在句中作形式主語,真正的主語是that引導的從句。important,impossible,necessary,proper等形容詞后的that從句,無論主語是第幾人稱,謂語都可以用動詞原形?! ?nbsp; 

7.Not really.

not really意為“事實上不是(或不會、沒有)”。

8.Is there a Canadian way of understanding the world?

句中way of doing…意為“做……的方法”,其中的“of +v.-ing”用在名詞way后作定語,它可用不定式替換。故這句話還可說為:Is there a Canadian way to understand the world?

9.It’s that people should respect and accept one another and help one another.


◆one another意為“互相”,與each other同義。

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Home to Many CulturesPPT,第五部分內容:課堂練習

Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.

1.He came back from__________(Canada)three years ago,but he keeps in touch with his__________(Canada)friends. 

2.If you could travel to only one__________(Europe)

country,which one would you choose? 

3.He wonders what this means for the future of__________(Asia)markets. 

4.Understanding cultural__________(difference)is    very important for companies involved in international business. 

5.I’d like to take you to our city’s__________(centre)park. 

Ⅱ.Make sentences using the given information.

6.the number of websites/22 in 2009/315 in 2013/the report

(rise from…to,according to)

→The number of websites rose from 22 in 2009 to 315 in 2013,according to the report.

7.the price of it/$25 a kilogram in 2003/$250 this year/the research (rise from…to,according to)

→The price of it rose from $25 a kilogram in 2003 to $250 this year according to the research.

8.David’s weight/150 pounds last month/120 pounds this month/his doctor (drop from…to,according to)

→David’s weight dropped from 150 pounds last month to 120 pounds this month according to his doctor.

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Home to Many CulturesPPT,第六部分內容:Homework

1.Finish off the remaining exercises in the activity book.

2.The students are required to read the next text in the student’s book.

關鍵詞:冀教版九年級下冊英語PPT課件免費下載,Home to Many CulturesPPT下載,Culture Shapes UsPPT下載,.PPT格式;

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