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《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT教學課件

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《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT教學課件《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT教學課件《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT教學課件《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT教學課件《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT教學課件

《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT教學課件




Look at the two pictures above. They are all friends. They have good relationships.

But do you know how to get along with people around you?

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Get Along with OthersPPT,第二部分內容:課文呈現


·Do you have good relationships with the people in your life?

·What do you think is most important for a good friendship?

Ms.Liu:Hi class!We have an interesting topic for this unit.First,let me ask you a question:How do you get along with❶ others in school or at home?

Li Ming:I think I'm doing well.I have many friends.

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Get Along with OthersPPT,第三部分內容:知識講解


get along with與……相處

eg:Mrs.Black gets along well with her neighbours.


get along with后跟人表示“與……相處”,后面跟物表示“進展”。同義短語為get on with。若表示“相處得如何”應在with前加well或badly等修飾詞。

eg:Do you get along well with your classmates?


How are you getting along with your English study?


He is getting along well with his workmates.


Good manners can make people ________ each other. (蘭州)

A.get on well with  B.get off

C.get over                  D.get away

【點撥】考查固定短語的辨析。get on well with 與……相處很好;get off 下車;get over 克服;get away 離開。句意:有禮貌能使人們彼此相處得很好。故選A。


require/rɪ'kwaɪə/ v. 需要

require 的用法。

(1)require 后可跟賓語、復合賓語或賓語從句。

常見用法:require sth.需要某物

require sb. to do sth.需要某人做某事

require that... 需要……

eg:I require your help. 我需要你的幫助。

I require you to hold it. 我需要你拿著它。

The situation required that he should be present.


(2)require doing 主動形式表示被動意義,意為“需要(被)……”,相當于require to be done。

eg:The wall requires painting. 


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Get Along with OthersPPT,第四部分內容:Let's Do It !

1)Read the lesson and match the people with their statements.

Friendship requires good communication.

People who know how to communicate well with others are more likely to succeed in their jobs.

It's always better to get things out in the open.

Sometimes friends have misunderstandings.

2) Rewrite the sentences below with the correct 

forms of the phrases from the lesson.

1.It took them more than an hour to solve the problem.

→It took them more than an hour to _________________________________________.

2.We had a wonderful time in the park.

→We had ________ in the park.

3) Change the following adjectives into adverbs and use them to complete the sentences.

easy________ hopeful________   exact________ real________     serious________

1.Using the search engines,you can ________ find books in this library.

2.Here is a book on grammar._________,it will help you with your study.

3.The old lady walked ________ slowly.It took her a long time to get there.

4.I'm sorry to hear that.Was she ___________hurt?

5.Jim must have copied Paul's work because they made________ the same mistakes❼.

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Get Along with OthersPPT,第五部分內容:課堂練習


1.Tickets are ________(like) to go up in price.

2.The road to ____________(succeed) is to work honestly.(蘭州)

3.We need to come up with a new ________(solve) to make polluted water clean.(煙臺改編)

4.WeChat makes it more convenient for   people____________(communicate) with each other.(煙臺改編)

5.You're required ____________(take) part in the P.E. test unless you have a doctor's note.(福州改編)


6.Are you satisfied ________  your exam results?

A.in  B.with C.at  D.by

【點撥】句意:你對你的考試結果滿意嗎?be satisfied with 對……感到滿意。

7.John looked quite ________  because his son didn't tell him the truth.

A.angry  B.gently C.funny  D.quietly


8.It is ________ for him to get to school on time, because it is raining ________.(宜賓) 

A.hard; hardly      B.hardly; hard     C.hard; hard


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Get Along with OthersPPT,第六部分內容:課堂小結


(1)重點單詞:require, hardly, succeed

(2)重點短語:get along with

(3)重點句式:It’s the same with…




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