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《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT免費課件

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《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT免費課件《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT免費課件《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT免費課件《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT免費課件《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT免費課件

《Get Along with Others》Communication PPT免費課件

第一部分內容:Think about it

Do you have good relationships with the people in your life?

What do you think is most important for a good friendship?

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Get Along with OthersPPT,第二部分內容:New words

1. unit   n. 單元; 單位

e.g. This book has twenty units.


2. misunderstanding   n. 誤解

misunderstand   v. 誤會; 誤解

3. require  v.  需要; 要求; 命令

e.g.  We require some stamps.


4. communication   n.  交流; 溝通

e.g. Doctors do not always have good communication skills.


5. hardly  adv.  幾乎不; 幾乎沒有  

hardly表示否定意義。常和can, could等連用, 在句中位于動詞be、

情態動詞或助動詞之后, 行為動詞之前。

e.g. There is hardly any tea left. 


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Get Along with OthersPPT,第三部分內容:Reading

1. Read the lesson and match the people with their statements.

Friendship requires good communication.

People who know how to communicate well with others are more likely to succeed in their jobs.

It’s always better to get things out in the open.

Sometimes friends have misunderstandings.

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Get Along with OthersPPT,第四部分內容:Grammar

Adjectives (形容詞) are words that describe people, places or things.

e.g. red apple, little mouse, cute baby

Adverbs (副詞) are words that describe“how” you do something.

e.g. run quickly, write neatly, dance beautifully

Many adverbs end in –ly. 

Many adjectives become adverbs by adding –ly.

e.g. You don’t sing “loud”, you sing“loudly”. 

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Get Along with OthersPPT,第五部分內容:Practice

Change the following adjectives 

into adverbs and use them to 

complete the sentences.

easy   _______      hopeful ________

exact  _______      real _______

serious ________

1. Using the search engines, you can ______ find books in this library.

2. Here is a book on grammar. 

_________, it will help you with your study.

3. The old lady walked ______ slowly. 

It took her a long time to get there.

4. I’m sorry to hear that. Was she ________ hurt?

5. Jim must have copied Paul’s work because they made _______ the same mistakes.

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Get Along with OthersPPT,第六部分內容:Language points

1. How do you get along with others in school or at home?

在學?;蛘咴诩依? 你跟別人相處得怎么樣?

get along (with) 意為“(與某人)和睦相處”。    

e.g. Do you always get along well with your friends?   


If we can’t communicate well, we can hardly get along with our friends. 

如果不能很好地交流, 我們就幾乎不能跟朋友相處。

2. Friendship requires good communication. 


require作及物動詞,意為“需要;要求”,它的后面常接名詞、代詞、v.-ing形式、不定式的復合結構或that從句(從句謂語用“should + 動詞原形”,其中should可以省略)。 

e.g. These pets require a lot of care and attention. 這些寵物需要悉心照顧。 

Do you require anything else?  


The apples require washing before eating.


What more do you require me to do?  


He requires that they (should) work all night.


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Get Along with OthersPPT,第七部分內容:Homework

Think about a good relationship in your life and make a list of reasons why you think that relationship is good.

關鍵詞:冀教版九年級下冊英語PPT課件免費下載,Get Along with OthersPPT下載,CommunicationPPT下載,.PPT格式;

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