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《Tips for Good Communication》Communication PPT免費課件

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《Tips for Good Communication》Communication PPT免費課件《Tips for Good Communication》Communication PPT免費課件《Tips for Good Communication》Communication PPT免費課件《Tips for Good Communication》Communication PPT免費課件《Tips for Good Communication》Communication PPT免費課件

《Tips for Good Communication》Communication PPT免費課件

第一部分內容:Think about it

How do you communicate with a new friend?

In your opinion, what are the best ways to communicate?

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Tips for Good CommunicationPPT,第二部分內容:New Words

1. interpersonal    adj.  人際的; 人際關系的

2. passport   n.  途徑, 手段; 護照

3. proper   adj. 正確的;恰當的

4. listener  n.  聽者

5. contact   n. & v.   接觸;聯系

6. promise    v./n. 承諾;許諾


promise + 名詞或代詞

promise + that從句

promise sb. + that 從句

promise to do sth.

e.g. But I can’t promise the thing.


I promise (that) I’ll never play computer games.


He promised Mrs. Black (that) he could help her repair the washing machine. 


You must promise to obey the rules.


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Tips for Good CommunicationPPT,第三部分內容:Let's do it!

1. Some people are talking about ways to communicate well.

Listen to the interview and match the names with their suggestions.

2. Here are some tips for good communication. Group them into the baskets below.

Talk about the weather, sports or other news.

Tell an interesting story.

Listen carefully.

Tell jokes.

Don’t break your promises.

Don’t tell lies.

Don’t interrupt others.

Try not to be late.

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Tips for Good CommunicationPPT,第四部分內容:Language points

1. Do you feel comfortable when talking to others?


when talking to others在句中作狀語,這時-ing形式的邏輯主語通常是


e.g. When sleeping, I never hear a thing. 

(= When I am sleeping, I never hear a thing.)


He met an old friend while walking in the street.

 (= He met an old friend while he was walking in the street.)



e.g. Whether walking or sleeping, the problem is always in his mind.


(walking和sleeping的邏輯主語不是problem, 而是he。)

2. Have you ever found it hard to make new friends? 


句中it作形式賓語,to make new 

friends 是實際賓語。實際賓語還可以是賓語從句。

e.g. I think it easy to learn English well.


He made it clear that he would leave soon.


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Tips for Good CommunicationPPT,第五部分內容:課堂練習

Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

promise     cancel     proper     passport

1. If you want to ______ the meeting, you must inform us a week before.

2. She could not find a _______ solution to this problem.

3. Zhang Jian plans to go abroad but he needs to get a _________ first.

4. I can’t make a ________, but I’ll try my best.

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Tips for Good CommunicationPPT,第六部分內容:Pair work

Work in pairs. Think about your family and friends. 

What makes you happy in the way they communicate with others? 

Talk about it.

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Tips for Good CommunicationPPT,第七部分內容:Homework

Choose one of the tips mentioned in Lesson 50 and write a short passage based on a personal experience that demonstrates that tip and explains why it’s good.

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