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《Working in Groups》Communication PPT課件下載

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《Working in Groups》Communication PPT課件下載《Working in Groups》Communication PPT課件下載《Working in Groups》Communication PPT課件下載《Working in Groups》Communication PPT課件下載

《Working in Groups》Communication PPT課件下載

第一部分內容:New words

1. absent    adj.   缺席的;不在的

be absent from ...意為“缺席……”。

e.g. Why were you absent from the meeting yesterday?


2. trouble    n. 麻煩;困難

e.g. We should help others when they are in trouble. 


3. secret   n. & adj.  秘密(的)

e.g. What’s the secret of a long life? 


Soldiers have been training at a secret location. 


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Working in GroupsPPT,第二部分內容:Think about it

Do you like group work?

What can you do to help your group work well together?

Read the lesson and tick the correct answers to the questions below.

1. The group is working slowly. Yi Han wants to solve the problem. What does she do?

□Tell the teacher.

□Talk to Li Tian.

2. Li Tian has some difficulties. What are they?

□He doesn’t want to be in the group.

□He doesn’t understand the things they’re learning.

3. Knowing Yi Han decides to help him, what will Li Tian do?

□He will try hard to do his part.

□ He think it’s not fair to do his part.

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Working in GroupsPPT,第三部分內容:Language points

1. She is not looking forward to working with her group because a boy named Li Tian is always absent from the group meetings. 


(1) look forward to意思是“盼望,期待”,其中to為介詞 ,后跟名詞、代詞或動詞的-ing形式。

e.g. I’m looking forward to a visit to my grandparents.


I look forward to meeting her again.


(2) be absent from意思是“缺席;不到場”。

e.g. I’ll be absent from school tomorrow.


2. He doesn’t follow the rules, and he refuses to do any work. 




e.g. He refused to help me with my Chinese.


只能跟動詞不定式不能跟動詞-ing形式作賓語的常見動詞還有agree, aim, arrange, choose, decide, demand, desire, determine, expect, hope, learn, manage, offer, prepare, pretend, promise, resolve, seek, swear, threaten, undertake, venture, volunteer等。

e.g. I hope to see her again.


He offered to help me.


She pretended to know everything.


My mother promised to buy a new bike for me.


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Working in GroupsPPT,第四部分內容:課堂練習

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box.

so far       trouble      be absent from

secret       look forward to 

1. Don’t miss “Gardening with Mary”on Saturday afternoons. Mary Green will share her rose growing _______ with you.

2. Cathy _______________ school because she had a bad headache.

3. I wrote a letter to Rose. I’m  _________________ her reply.

4. – How is your second-hand laptop?

- _______, so good.

5. He always gets himself into _______ by doing things carelessly.

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Working in GroupsPPT,第五部分內容:Learn to learn

A group works well if every member works hard. To make a group work well, it’s best to give each member a role. Take a group of four as an example. 

In the group, there should be an organizer, a recorder, a speaker and a rule keeper. Then each member can do his / her share.

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Working in GroupsPPT,第六部分內容:Homework

Complete Let’s Do It! No. 3.

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