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《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT

《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT 詳細介紹:

《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT

《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT

第一部分內容:New words

besides  prep. 除……之外(還)

weekday  n. 工作日

primary  adj. 小學的;基本的

asleep   adj. 睡著的

notebook  n. 筆記本

review   n. 復習;回顧;評論

            v. 回顧;反思;評論

itself   pron. 它本身(自己)

New phrases

on top of… 除……外;更重要的是

fall asleep  入睡;睡著

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Manage Your TimePPT,第二部分內容:Main phrases:

·on top of…

·fall asleep

Main sentences:

·Besides my schoolwork every weekday,I go to a chess club twice a week.

·She just started primary school and has some difficulties in maths.

·On top of all that,I have classes in …dance,piano,art…

·Yesterday,I fell asleep during class.

·You are such a busy kid!

·I think you should take some time to think carefully about your plan.

·Can you do all of these things and get enough rest to stay healthy?

·If not,decide what things must be done and what can be dropped from your list.

·Organize your notes right after classes.

·Take a few minutes every evening to check how your plan is going.

·Best of luck!

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Manage Your TimePPT,第三部分內容:教材解讀

1.Besides my schoolwork every weekday,I go to a chess club twice a week.





◆twice意為“兩次”,相當于two times。對句中的twice提問應用how many times,對句中的twice a week提問應用how often。

2.She just started primary school and has some difficulties in maths.

◆start在此處為及物動詞,意為“開始”,后面可接名詞、動詞不定式或v.-ing形式。start doing sth.意為“開始做某事”,與start to do sth.意思相同。

◆have some difficulties in sth.意為“在某方面有困難”。表示“做某事有困難”用have some difficulties(in)doing sth.;另外,表示“做某事沒有困難”用have no difficulties(in)doing sth.?! ?/p>

3.On top of all that,I have classes in dance,piano, art…

on top of意為“除……之外(還)”。

【拓展】表示“在頂端”時,可以用on(the)top of或at the top of。

4.Yesterday,I fell asleep during class.

◆fall asleep為固定短語,意為“入睡”,表示入睡的過程。

【拓展】be asleep意為“睡著”,表示睡覺的狀態;go to sleep去睡覺,強調睡覺這一動作;go to bed上床睡覺,指準備睡覺。


5.Sorry to hear about your trouble.

◆在英語中,聽到不好的消息或者別人發生了不幸的事情,應表示同情,常用的句型有:I’m sorry to hear that./I’m so sorry!/I’m sorry to hear about your illness.。

◆hear about意為“聽說”,相當于hear of。

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Manage Your TimePPT,第四部分內容:課堂練習

Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

itself asleep review weekday primary

1.When the class began,the teacher did a quick_________of the last lesson. 

2.After a whole day’s hard work,he fell_________without eating supper. 

3.The dog found_________lying in the field when it woke up. 

4.Slow down!There are some_________school students ahead. 

5.This company holds a short meeting every_________morning. 

Ⅱ.Choose the correct answers.

6.—Do you often get online?

—Yes.I__________lots of time on it.It’s a good way to kill time. 

A.cost B.spend C.take D.use

7.We all went to the party________Lisa.She had to stay at home and look after her sick mother. 

A.except      B.except for

C.besides      D.beside

8.She________the plate and it broke into pieces. 

A.droped B.took C.dropped     D.dropping

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Manage Your TimePPT,第五部分內容:Homework

1.Finish off the remaining exercises in the activity book.

2.The students are required to read the next text in the student’s book.

關鍵詞:冀教版九年級下冊英語PPT課件免費下載,Manage Your TimePPT下載,Get ready for the futurePPT下載,.PPT格式;

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