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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 魯科版三年級英語下冊 > 《What are these?》Animals MP3音頻課件

《What are these?》Animals MP3音頻課件

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《What are these?》Animals MP3課文朗讀音頻課件

關鍵詞:魯科版英語三年級下冊MP3音頻課件免費下載,What are these? MP3下載,Animals MP3下載,.MP3格式;

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  • 《What are these?》Animals PPT課件(第2課時)

    《What are these?》Animals PPT課件(第2課時)

    魯科版三年級英語下冊《What are these?》Animals PPT課件(第2課時),共14頁。 Read after the tape. A: What are these? B: Theyre A: What are those? B: Theyre Practice 根據圖片提示,補全句子。 There is a _______. These are _______. Those are ___..

  • 《What are these?》Animals PPT課件(第1課時)

    《What are these?》Animals PPT課件(第1課時)

    魯科版三年級英語下冊《What are these?》Animals PPT課件(第1課時),共23頁。 Warm up What are these? 這些是什么? Theyre tigers. 它們是老虎。 What are those? 那些是什么? Theyre elephants. 它們是大象。 Review Lets go to the zoo. Whats this? I..

  • 《What are these?》Animals PPT

    《What are these?》Animals PPT

    《What are these?》Animals PPT,共16頁。 教學目標 1.能聽懂、會說、認讀動物及相關的單詞:they,big, bear、monkey ,并能結合句型靈活運用; 2.能聽懂、會說、認讀談論動物的句型: What are these/those?,Theyre monkeys. ... ... ... Warm-up Say som..


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