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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版八年級英語上冊 > 《It descibes the changes in Chinese society》Lao She's Teahouse PPT教學課件

《It descibes the changes in Chinese society》Lao She's Teahouse PPT教學課件

《It descibes the changes in Chinese society》Lao She's Teahouse PPT教學課件 詳細介紹:

《It descibes the changes in Chinese society》Lao She\s Teahouse PPT教學課件《It descibes the changes in Chinese society》Lao She\s Teahouse PPT教學課件

外研版八年級英語上冊《It descibes the changes in Chinese society》Lao She's Teahouse PPT教學課件,共29頁。


act  n. (戲劇、歌劇或芭蕾舞的)一幕

show   v. 展示;顯示   n. 演出;表演

Chinese society 

Language points

1. … and was named “the People’s Artist”. Lao She is one of the greatest Chinese writers of the twentieth century.


name 在這里是動詞,表示“命名”;name 還有“任命”的意思。

e.g. Lili was named as captain of our English studying team. 


2. If you like the Beijing Opera, traditional music or magic shows, you can enjoy them at the teahouse.



Work in pairs.

Ask and answer the questions about Lao She.

1. What do you know about Lao She?

2. What are his most famous books and plays?

3. What’s special about Lao She’s Teahouse?

Learning to learn

When you read a passage, remember to look at its title, the paragraph headings and the photos if there are any. They will help you understand the main ideas.

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