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《What should we do before help arrives?》Help PPT課件下載

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《What should we do before help arrives?》Help PPT課件下載《What should we do before help arrives?》Help PPT課件下載

外研版八年級英語上冊《What should we do before help arrives?》Help PPT課件下載,共20頁。

Why they are in pain?

It's dangerous to play sports. Please be careful.

What's the boy doing?

What could happen to him?

What happened to him?

Where is the boy lying?

He fell down the stairs.

It's dangerous to run down the stairs.

What can we do in these situations?

If we are in a fire, we should…

Calm down and search for help;

Cover...with wet cloth (布料) ;

Run down stairs quickly

If we see someone drowning, we should…

Call 120;

Shout for help;

Clean the mouth 

and nose;

Push the water out

Do CPR(人工呼吸)

Life is so frigile!

Cherish our life and keep growing!

... ... ...

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