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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 精通版四年級英語下冊 > 《There are forty students in our class》PPT課件下載

《There are forty students in our class》PPT課件下載

《There are forty students in our class》PPT課件下載 詳細介紹:

《There are forty students in our class》PPT課件下載《There are forty students in our class》PPT課件下載

精通版四年級英語下冊《There are forty students in our class》PPT課件下載,共24頁。

Let’s chant!

How many students are there in Kate’s class?

There are twenty-nine.

How many students are there in your class? 

There are forty-six.

How many students are there in Peter’s class?

Can you guess?

Numbers in life.(生活中的數字)

There are _______ seasons(季節) in a year. 

There are _______months(月份) in a year. 

There are _____ months in a season.

There are ______ days in a week(星期). 

There are _________ hours(小時) in a day.

There are _______ minutes(分鐘) in an hour.

There are _______ days in June(六月).

There are _______ days in July(七月).

There are three _______ and _______ days in  2018.


Must do:

Remember these words and sentences.

Choose to do:

1.Write down a short passage about your class.


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