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《What's this in English?》PPT精品課件

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《What\s this in English?》PPT精品課件《What\s this in English?》PPT精品課件

外研版七年級英語上冊《What's this in English?》PPT精品課件,共22頁。

Learning objectives

1. To understand the meaning and usage the words and expressions.

2. To listen and understand sentences about school things.

Language points

[觀察1] What's this in English?這個用英語怎么說?



例如:in Chinese 用漢語


[觀察2] Write it on the blackboard, please.


[探究] the是定冠詞,意為“這(那)個;這(那)些”,放在名詞前特指已經談到或正在談到的事物; a和an是不定冠詞,意為“一(個,件……)”,表示泛指。例如:

I am a new student here.我是這里的一名新生。

There is an egg on the table.桌子上有一個雞蛋。

[觀察3]  It's a book. 這是一本書。


it's是it is的縮寫形式,意為“它是”。在回答what's引導的特殊疑問句時,常用it指代所問的物品,用it代替this或that,避免重復。

- What's this?這是什么?- It's a book.是一本書。

- What's that? 那是什么?- It's an egg.是一個雞蛋。

... ... ...

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