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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版八年級英語上冊 >
  • 《In Chinawe open a gift later》Way of life PPT課件2

    《In Chinawe open a gift later》Way of life PPT課件2

    《In Chinawe open a gift later》Way of life PPT課件2 Free talk. 1. What presents do you often get on your birthday? 2. When do you open your present? At once or later? Listen and number the words and expressions as you hear them. base...

  • 《In Chinawe open a gift later》Way of life PPT課件

    《In Chinawe open a gift later》Way of life PPT課件

    《In Chinawe open a gift later》Way of life PPT課件 Practice What must I do when I enter your home? You must take off your shoes. What must I wear at school? You must wear your school uniforms. What must I do in class? You must put up you...

  • 《Language in use》the weather PPT課件2

    《Language in use》the weather PPT課件2

    《Language in use》the weather PPT課件2 may 和 might 1.may和might 用于一般疑問句中,表示委婉的請 求;肯定回答用may;否定回答用might. 如: -May I use your pencil?可以用你的鉛筆嗎? -Yes you may.是的,可以. -No you mustnt.不,不行. 2...

  • 《Language in use》the weather PPT課件

    《Language in use》the weather PPT課件

    《Language in use》the weather PPT課件 Ⅰ. 用方框中所給詞組的適當形式填空 travel around get cooler warm clothes rain a lot all day 1. It _______ in summer in Hunan. Its often rainy there. 2. In our home town the weather ________ in au...

  • 《The weather is fine all year round》the weather PPT課件

    《The weather is fine all year round》the weather PPT課件

    《The weather is fine all year round》the weather PPT課件 Words and expressions /maIl/ 英里 n. mile /raund / 圍繞地 adv. round /n:'west / 西北 n.西北的;朝西北的 adj. northwest /sau'i:st/ 東南 n.東南的;朝東南的 adj. southeast from time t...

  • 《It might snow》the weather PPT課件2

    《It might snow》the weather PPT課件2

    《It might snow》the weather PPT課件2 How can we know the weather? We can know the weather through the weather forecast. the weather forecast means 天氣預報 Who makes the weather forecast? The weatherman makes the weather forecast. (天氣預...

  • 《It might snow》the weather PPT課件

    《It might snow》the weather PPT課件

    《It might snow》the weather PPT課件 Words and expressions /klaud/ 云,云霧 n. cloud /'au/ 陣雨 n. shower /snu/ 雪 n.下雪 v. snow /st:m/ 暴風雨 n. storm /'klaudi/ 多云的 adj. cloudy /reIni/ 多雨的;下雨的 adj. rainy /'snui/ 多雪的;下雪...

  • 《Language in use》Population PPT課件2

    《Language in use》Population PPT課件2

    《Language in use》Population PPT課件2 Language practice Beijing is a huge city. It takes an hour to get there by bus. Thats almost one fifth of the worlds population. That makes over 131.4 million births a year. 1. Work in pairs. Match th...

  • 《Language in use》Population PPT課件

    《Language in use》Population PPT課件

    《Language in use》Population PPT課件 Language practice Pay attention to these sentences. 1.Beijing is a huge city. 2. It takes an hour to get there by bus. 3. Thats almost one fifth of the worlds population. 4. That makes over 131.4 milli...

  • 《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT課件4

    《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT課件4

    《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT課件4 學習目標: 1.掌握本課單詞和短語: flat rubbish local 2.靈活運用下列句型: a. IT is very crowded. b. It also needs more buses 3.學會從文章中提取信息,談論城市問題。 4.學會針對問...

  • 《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT課件3

    《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT課件3

    《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT課件3 Crazy English 1,你們什么時候認識的? 2,什么時候開的會? 1,When did you meet each other? 2,When did the meeting? 學習目標 1,學習Unit 2 單詞 2,讀懂Unit 2課文,梳理文章大意 ......

  • 《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT課件2

    《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT課件2

    《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT課件2 Words and expressions flat n. 套房;公寓 rubbish n. 垃圾;廢棄物 quiet a. 寂靜的;安靜的 local adj. 當地的;本地的 close down (永久)關閉,關停 pupil n. 學生;(尤指)小學生 po...

  • 《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT課件

    《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT課件

    《Arnwick was a city with 200.000 people》Population PPT課件 Words and expression /'rbI / 垃圾;廢棄物 n. rubbish /'kwaIt / 寂靜的;安靜的 adj. quiet /'lukl / 當地的;本地的 adj. local close down (永久)關閉,關停 /'pju:pl / 學生;小學生...

  • 《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件5

    《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件5

    《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件5 學習目標 1.通過自讀、仿讀、練習等方式我能掌握本節課的重點單詞、短語和固定搭配。 2.通過聽關于人口增長報告的對話,能夠用大數字和冠詞來表達關于人口與環境的話題,能夠正確使用...

  • 《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件4

    《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件4

    《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件4 Lead-in Look at the pictures . We can see many people in the world. Leaning aims 1.The new words: noise prepare notes report huge increase problem birth billion ...

  • 《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件3

    《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件3

    《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件3 Lead-in Talk about the pictures and try to describe them. Check () the statements you agree with. 1. There are too many people in the world. ( ) 2. The increasing populat...

  • 《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件2

    《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件2

    《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件2 Words and expressions noise 噪聲;雜音 n. prepare 準備;預備 v. notes 筆記;隨 筆 n.(pl.) report 報告;匯報 n. grow 增長;增大 (grew ) v. huge 巨大的;龐大的 adj. cause ...

  • 《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件

    《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件

    《The population of China is about 1.37 billion》Population PPT課件 Teaching aims 1.Grasp the key words and key structure: noise prepare notes report grow problem birth billion fifth; Beijing is a huge city with a large population....

  • 《Language in use》Accidents PPT課件2

    《Language in use》Accidents PPT課件2

    《Language in use》Accidents PPT課件2 What were they doing when it began to rain? They were playing computer games when it began to rain. They were playing chess when it began to rain. They were playing football when it began to rain. Whil...

  • 《Language in use》Accidents PPT課件

    《Language in use》Accidents PPT課件

    《Language in use》Accidents PPT課件 過去進行時 基本概念:過去進行時表示在過去某一時刻或某一段時間內進行或發生的動作。 基本結構 主語+was/were + doing +其他內容 注:doing 就是現在分詞,詞形變化與現在進行時相同 常用的時間狀語: this morning...

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