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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 精通版四年級英語上冊 >
  • 《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件6

    《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件6

    《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件6 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit5《I like those shoes》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I like those shoes》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動畫課件下載,四年級英...

  • 《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件5

    《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件5

    《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件5 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit5《I like those shoes》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I like those shoes》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動畫課件下載,四年級英...

  • 《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件4

    《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件4

    《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件4 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit5《I like those shoes》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I like those shoes》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動畫課件下載,四年級英...

  • 《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件3

    《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件3

    《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件3 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit5《I like those shoes》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I like those shoes》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動畫課件下載,四年級英...

  • 《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件2

    《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件2

    《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件2 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit5《I like those shoes》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I like those shoes》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動畫課件下載,四年級英...

  • 《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件

    《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件

    《I like those shoes》Flash動畫課件 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit5《I like those shoes》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《I like those shoes》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動畫課件下載,四年級英...

  • 《I like those shoes》PPT課件5

    《I like those shoes》PPT課件5

    《I like those shoes》PPT課件5 Look and say Can we look at the _____ _____? Here you are. Look and say Guess! What are they talking about? Listen and imitate Mum I like those shoes. Can we have a look at those shoes please? Sure here yo...

  • 《I like those shoes》PPT課件4

    《I like those shoes》PPT課件4

    《I like those shoes》PPT課件4 Look and say Can I help you? Please show me that _____. Here you are Thank you. Can I ______? Sure! Listen and imitate Dad look at the blue shorts. Theyre really cool! Can I help you? Can we look at the blue...

  • 《I like those shoes》PPT課件3

    《I like those shoes》PPT課件3

    《I like those shoes》PPT課件3 Play a game Show me your cap. Free talk What clothes can you see? Lets learn Do you have a sweater? What colour is it? Do you have a skirt? What colour is it? Do you have a jacket? What colour is it? Do you h...

  • 《I like those shoes》PPT課件2

    《I like those shoes》PPT課件2

    《I like those shoes》PPT課件2 Play a game Game Whats missing? Look and say Its hot today. ___________ please. Look and guess Guess! Whats in the box? Its a Lets open it and see. ... ... ... Listen and imitate Lisa this is for you. For m...

  • 《I like those shoes》PPT課件

    《I like those shoes》PPT課件

    《I like those shoes》PPT課件 Free talk Hows the weather today? What shall we do? What clothes(衣服) shall we wear? hat cap詞義辨析 兩者皆為帽子的意思。 hat 通常是有邊和帽頂的。 cap 是沒有邊的,像游泳用的游泳帽?;蚴乔懊嬗忻鄙嗟陌羟蛎?。 .....

  • 《How

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件13

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件13 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit4《How's the weather today?》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《How's the weather today?》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動...

  • 《How

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件12

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件12 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit4《How's the weather today?》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《How's the weather today?》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動...

  • 《How

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件11

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件11 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit4《How's the weather today?》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《How's the weather today?》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動...

  • 《How

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件10

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件10 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit4《How's the weather today?》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《How's the weather today?》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動...

  • 《How

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件9

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件9 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit4《How's the weather today?》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《How's the weather today?》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動畫...

  • 《How

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件8

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件8 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit4《How's the weather today?》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《How's the weather today?》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動畫...

  • 《How

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件7

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件7 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit4《How's the weather today?》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《How's the weather today?》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動畫...

  • 《How

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件6

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件6 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit4《How's the weather today?》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《How's the weather today?》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動畫...

  • 《How

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件5

    《How's the weather today?》Flash動畫課件5 本課件屬于人教精通版四年級上冊英語unit4《How's the weather today?》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《How's the weather today?》教學課件,人教精通版四年級上冊英語Flash動畫...

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