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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 精通版五年級英語下冊 >
  • 《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件13

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件13

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件13 本課件屬于人教精通版五年級下冊英語unit1《Welcome to our school》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《Welcome to our school》教學課件,人教精通版五年級下冊英語Flash動畫課件下載...

  • 《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件12

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件12

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件12 本課件屬于人教精通版五年級下冊英語unit1《Welcome to our school》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《Welcome to our school》教學課件,人教精通版五年級下冊英語Flash動畫課件下載...

  • 《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件11

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件11

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件11 本課件屬于人教精通版五年級下冊英語unit1《Welcome to our school》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《Welcome to our school》教學課件,人教精通版五年級下冊英語Flash動畫課件下載...

  • 《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件10

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件10

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件10 本課件屬于人教精通版五年級下冊英語unit1《Welcome to our school》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《Welcome to our school》教學課件,人教精通版五年級下冊英語Flash動畫課件下載...

  • 《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件9

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件9

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件9 本課件屬于人教精通版五年級下冊英語unit1《Welcome to our school》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《Welcome to our school》教學課件,人教精通版五年級下冊英語Flash動畫課件下載...

  • 《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件8

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件8

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件8 本課件屬于人教精通版五年級下冊英語unit1《Welcome to our school》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《Welcome to our school》教學課件,人教精通版五年級下冊英語Flash動畫課件下載...

  • 《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件7

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件7

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件7 本課件屬于人教精通版五年級下冊英語unit1《Welcome to our school》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《Welcome to our school》教學課件,人教精通版五年級下冊英語Flash動畫課件下載...

  • 《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件6

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件6

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件6 本課件屬于人教精通版五年級下冊英語unit1《Welcome to our school》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《Welcome to our school》教學課件,人教精通版五年級下冊英語Flash動畫課件下載...

  • 《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件5

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件5

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件5 本課件屬于人教精通版五年級下冊英語unit1《Welcome to our school》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《Welcome to our school》教學課件,人教精通版五年級下冊英語Flash動畫課件下載...

  • 《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件4

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件4

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件4 本課件屬于人教精通版五年級下冊英語unit1《Welcome to our school》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《Welcome to our school》教學課件,人教精通版五年級下冊英語Flash動畫課件下載...

  • 《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件3

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件3

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件3 本課件屬于人教精通版五年級下冊英語unit1《Welcome to our school》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《Welcome to our school》教學課件,人教精通版五年級下冊英語Flash動畫課件下載...

  • 《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件2

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件2

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件2 本課件屬于人教精通版五年級下冊英語unit1《Welcome to our school》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《Welcome to our school》教學課件,人教精通版五年級下冊英語Flash動畫課件下載...

  • 《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件

    《Welcome to our school》Flash動畫課件 本課件屬于人教精通版五年級下冊英語unit1《Welcome to our school》的教學素材Flash動畫課件,內容生動形象,敬請下載! 關鍵詞:《Welcome to our school》教學課件,人教精通版五年級下冊英語Flash動畫課件下載,...

  • 《Welcome to our school》PPT課件6

    《Welcome to our school》PPT課件6

    《Welcome to our school》PPT課件6 Lets review This is our We often ... in it. We have lessons in a week. Look and say We often paint a picture in the art club. What do they do in the art club? They often draw a picture paint a picture Ask...

  • 《Welcome to our school》PPT課件5

    《Welcome to our school》PPT課件5

    《Welcome to our school》PPT課件5 Lets review How many lessons do you have in a week? Look and say How many places did the visitors visit before? What are they? What other places will they visit today? Can you guess? ... ... ... Listen and...

  • 《Welcome to our school》PPT課件4

    《Welcome to our school》PPT課件4

    《Welcome to our school》PPT課件4 Lets review This is our We often ... in it. We have lessons in a week. Look and say We often have English lessons in the language lab. language lab English lesson What do you often do in the language lab?...

  • 《Welcome to our school》PPT課件3

    《Welcome to our school》PPT課件3

    《Welcome to our school》PPT課件3 Look and say After visiting the library and the meeting room What other places do they visit? What lessons do we have in the science lab? We often have science lessons in it. This is our science lab. ......

  • 《Welcome to our school》PPT課件2

    《Welcome to our school》PPT課件2

    《Welcome to our school》PPT課件2 Look and say What place is it? borrow books We often borrow books from the library. What place is it? meeting room have a meeting We often have a meeting in the meeting room. Ask and answer What do you oft...

  • 《Welcome to our school》PPT課件

    《Welcome to our school》PPT課件

    《Welcome to our school》PPT課件 Lead-in Guessing game What place is it? Look and say What place is it? Who are they? Welcome to our school! What places are they visiting? Theyre visiting the library. Do you often come to the library? Yes...

  • 【目錄】精通版五年級英語下冊PPT課件



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