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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 牛津譯林版英語七年級下冊 >
  • 《Abilities》ReadingPPT


    《Abilities》ReadingPPT 第一部分內容:新課導入 Fire is useful, but sometimes it is dangerous. If you are not careful with it, it can burn things or even hurt you. A big fire can even burn forests and tall buildings. So keep yourself away f...

  • 《Abilities》Main taskPPT

    《Abilities》Main taskPPT

    《Abilities》Main taskPPT 第一部分內容:預習反饋 1.chairperson n.主席 2.madam n.女士 3.thoughtful adj.考慮周到的 4.lose v.丟失 5.act v.表演 6.housework n.家務活 7.likely adj.可能的 8.whole adj.可能的 9.drama n.喜劇 ... ... ... 《Abilities...

  • 《Abilities》Integrated skillsPPT

    《Abilities》Integrated skillsPPT

    《Abilities》Integrated skillsPPT 第一部分內容:完成句子: 1. That ______(聽起來 )dangerous. 2. You must keep ______ (你自己)safe. 3. Do you know what _________ (發生)him yesterday? 4. Keep the children _____ ______(遠離)fire. 5. D...

  • 《Abilities》GrammarPPT課件


    《Abilities》GrammarPPT課件 第一部分內容:新課導入 The flowers are beautiful. The flowers are very beautiful. How beautiful the flowers are! The cat is lovely. The cat is very lovely. How lovely the cat is! ... ... ... 《Abilities》PPT,第...

  • 《Abilities》GrammarPPT


    《Abilities》GrammarPPT 第一部分內容:Do you know these sports? row a boat I could not row a boat at five. Now I can . ride a bike ...could not ... now ...can... play badminton ...could not ... now ...can... ... ... ... 《Abilities》PPT,...

  • 《Outdoor fun》MP3音頻課件

    《Outdoor fun》MP3音頻課件

    《Outdoor fun》MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:牛津譯林版七年級下冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Outdoor fun》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《Outdoor fun》PPT

    《Outdoor fun》PPT

    《Outdoor fun》PPT 第一部分內容:Outdoor activities cycling go cycling camping go camping riding go riding swimming go swimming jogging go jogging ... ... ... 《Outdoor fun》PPT,第二部分內容:學識目標檢測 camping cycling jogging riding sk...

  • 《Outdoor fun》ReadingPPT

    《Outdoor fun》ReadingPPT

    《Outdoor fun》ReadingPPT 第一部分內容:The Lost Key The door was locked. I couldnt find the key I didnt notice that there was a big hole in my pocket. The key and my mobile phone went through the hole. I saw someone with a mobile phone pa...

  • 《Outdoor fun》Main TaskPPT

    《Outdoor fun》Main TaskPPT

    《Outdoor fun》Main TaskPPT 第一部分內容:Learning aims: 1.Describe a thing clearly. 2.Continue to write a story based on the one we have known. Listen and answer questions 1.What did Alice see on the table? A little bottle 2.Did Alice dr...

  • 《Outdoor fun》Integrated skillsPPT

    《Outdoor fun》Integrated skillsPPT

    《Outdoor fun》Integrated skillsPPT 第一部分內容:Introduction: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you. Introduce myself. This is my first time to be with you. I feel very excited. excited 100 years old a century use a mobile phone Do you...

  • 《Outdoor fun》GrammarPPT

    《Outdoor fun》GrammarPPT

    《Outdoor fun》GrammarPPT 第一部分內容:Objectives To learn the form and the usages of the simple past tense To use the simple past tense to make positive and negative sentences To use the simple past tense to ask and answer questions 單詞...

  • 《Amazing things》MP3音頻課件

    《Amazing things》MP3音頻課件

    《Amazing things》MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:牛津譯林版七年級下冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Amazing things》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《Amazing things》PPT

    《Amazing things》PPT

    《Amazing things》PPT 第一部分內容:課堂對話 A: Is there anything amazing in the world? B: Yes, there is. A man can make a bus move with his ears. A: Oh, really? B: Isnt that surprising? A: Yes, it is. Do you know the ostrich is a kind of...

  • 《Amazing things》TaskPPT

    《Amazing things》TaskPPT

    《Amazing things》TaskPPT 第一部分內容:新課導入 What is the monkey doing? Isnt that interesting? The tallest man a man in the USA born on 22nd February 1918 died on 15th July 1940 2.72 m tall weight 222.71kg when he was 21 and 199kg when...

  • 《Amazing things》ReadingPPT

    《Amazing things》ReadingPPT

    《Amazing things》ReadingPPT 第一部分內容:Revision Presentation Tell each other something amazing in your life. An interview with Millie or Andy about the ghost in the park. Revision check One Sunday morning, Millie and Amy went to the pa...

  • 《Amazing things》Integrated skillsPPT

    《Amazing things》Integrated skillsPPT

    《Amazing things》Integrated skillsPPT 第一部分內容:Guessing game They are white and black. 60 They are very lovely. 50 They eat shellfish. 40 The fathers look after the eggs.30 They are birds but they can t fly. 20 They live in very cold...

  • 《Amazing things》GrammarPPT

    《Amazing things》GrammarPPT

    《Amazing things》GrammarPPT 第一部分內容:一般過去時 一、什么情況下使用一般過去時? 1.We use the simple past tense to talk about things in the past. went是go在一般進去時中所用的動詞形式, 是go的過去式。 A month ago, Millie and Amy went to S...

  • 《Finding your way》MP3音頻課件

    《Finding your way》MP3音頻課件

    《Finding your way》MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:牛津譯林版七年級下冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Finding your way》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《Finding your way》PPT

    《Finding your way》PPT

    《Finding your way》PPT 第一部分內容:Words review follow vt. 跟隨;仿效 path n. 小路,小徑 have to 不得不,必須 north n., adj. adv. 北,北方 west n., adj. adv. 西,西方 south n., adj. adv. 南,南方 east n., adj. adv. 東,東方 trip n. 旅行...

  • 《Finding your way》ReadingPPT

    《Finding your way》ReadingPPT

    《Finding your way》ReadingPPT 第一部分內容:A lucky escape The play(戲劇) is about how the twin brothers escape from the robbers. Listen and watch and then answer: How many people are there in the play? There are seven. Who are they? They...

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