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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 仁愛版英語七年級上冊 >
  • 《What would you like to drink?》SectionB Flash動畫課件下載

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionB Flash動畫課件下載

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionB Flash動畫課件下載 本課件為課程故事學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What would you like to drink?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What would you like to drink?》SectionB Flash動畫下載

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionB Flash動畫下載

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionB Flash動畫下載 本課件為課程對話學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What would you like to drink?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What would you like to drink?》SectionB Flash動畫課件

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionB Flash動畫課件

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionB Flash動畫課件 本課件為課程學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What would you like to drink?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What would you like to drink?》SectionB PPT

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionB PPT

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionB PPT 第一部分內容:Group work 假設某同學邀請幾個同學去家中吃飯。以自備的有關食物的圖片或幻燈片上展示的食物為談話內容,幾人一組進行表演。 Key words Help yourself, would like, yes, please/no, thank yo...

  • 《What would you like to drink?》SectionA MP3音頻課件

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionA MP3音頻課件

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionA MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《What would you like to drink?》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《What would you like to drink?》SectionA Flash動畫課件

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionA Flash動畫課件

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionA Flash動畫課件 本課件為課程學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What would you like to drink?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What would you like to drink?》SectionA PPT

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionA PPT

    《What would you like to drink?》SectionA PPT 第一部分內容:新課導入 What is this in English? cake egg milk rice fish chicken juice apples bananas eggs hamburgers vegetables ... ... ... 《What would you like to drink?》PPT,第二部分內容:G...

  • 《What does your mother do?》SectionD MP3音頻課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionD MP3音頻課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionD MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《What does your mother do?》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《What does your mother do?》SectionD Flash動畫下載

    《What does your mother do?》SectionD Flash動畫下載

    《What does your mother do?》SectionD Flash動畫下載 本課件為課程學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What does your mother do?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What does your mother do?》SectionD Flash動畫課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionD Flash動畫課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionD Flash動畫課件 本課件為課程學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What does your mother do?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What does your mother do?》SectionD PPT

    《What does your mother do?》SectionD PPT

    《What does your mother do?》SectionD PPT 第一部分內容:Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn some other words and expressions: Happy,teach, only, after, look after 2. Learn the following sentences: (1)what do you do? Im a student. (2) What...

  • 《What does your mother do?》SectionC MP3音頻課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionC MP3音頻課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionC MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《What does your mother do?》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《What does your mother do?》SectionC Flash動畫下載

    《What does your mother do?》SectionC Flash動畫下載

    《What does your mother do?》SectionC Flash動畫下載 本課件為課程學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What does your mother do?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What does your mother do?》SectionC Flash動畫課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionC Flash動畫課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionC Flash動畫課件 本課件為課程學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What does your mother do?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What does your mother do?》SectionC PPT

    《What does your mother do?》SectionC PPT

    《What does your mother do?》SectionC PPT 第一部分內容:Teaching aims and demands 1. (1) Learn some words about family members and relatives: aunt, uncle, brother, grandparent, cousin, daughter, son (2) Learn some other words and expressio...

  • 《What does your mother do?》SectionB MP3音頻課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionB MP3音頻課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionB MP3音頻課件 本課件為字母學習的Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What does your mother do?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What does your mother do?》SectionB Flash動畫下載

    《What does your mother do?》SectionB Flash動畫下載

    《What does your mother do?》SectionB Flash動畫下載 本課件為課程學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What does your mother do?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What does your mother do?》SectionB Flash動畫課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionB Flash動畫課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionB Flash動畫課件 本課件為課程學習的配套Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What does your mother do?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

  • 《What does your mother do?》SectionB PPT

    《What does your mother do?》SectionB PPT

    《What does your mother do?》SectionB PPT 第一部分內容:新課導入 A: What does she do? B: She is a teacher. A: What does she do? B: She is a farmer. A: What does she do? B: She is a driver. A: What does he do? B: He is an office worker. ......

  • 《What does your mother do?》SectionA MP3音頻課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionA MP3音頻課件

    《What does your mother do?》SectionA MP3音頻課件 本課件為字母學習的Flash動畫課件,適合小學英語學習。 關鍵詞:仁愛版七年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《What does your mother do?》動畫下載,.swf格式;...

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