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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 仁愛版英語九年級上冊 >
  • 《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionB PPT

    《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionB PPT

    《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionB PPT 第一部分內容:新課導入 numbers in our lives one hundred and fifty yuan two thousand and eight Olympic Games thousands of people Lookread and learn 3.14 three point o...

  • 《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionA PPT

    《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionA PPT

    《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionA PPT 第一部分內容:Fill in the blanks with the different forms of the verbs. e.g. jumpjumpedjumped call _______ _______ watch _______ _______ hate _______ _______ study __...

  • 《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionD MP3音頻課件

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionD MP3音頻課件

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionD MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版九年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Our country has developed rapidly》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionC MP3音頻課件

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionC MP3音頻課件

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionC MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版九年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Our country has developed rapidly》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionB MP3音頻課件

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionB MP3音頻課件

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionB MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版九年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Our country has developed rapidly》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionA MP3音頻課件

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionA MP3音頻課件

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionA MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用于本課教學。 關鍵詞:仁愛版九年級上冊英語MP3音頻課件免費下載,《Our country has developed rapidly》音頻下載,.mp3格式;...

  • 《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionD PPT

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionD PPT

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionD PPT 第一部分內容:Grammar Present Perfect (Ⅰ) I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer. China has developed rapidly since the reform and opening-up. I...

  • 《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionC PPT

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionC PPT

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionC PPT 第一部分內容:新課導入 Have you ever been to Beijing? Do you know about Beijing? Look at the pictures of Beijing in the past and at present. Then guess the meaning of each word and the main...

  • 《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionA PPT

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionA PPT

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionA PPT 第一部分內容:Welcome back to school How was your summer holiday? A: Where have you been? B: I have been to... A: Where have you been? B: I have been to the park. A: Where have you been? B:...

  • 《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionB PPT

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionB PPT

    《Our country has developed rapidly》SectionB PPT 第一部分內容:新課導入 A: Have you been to Hangzhou? B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. Has Maria been to her hometown? Yes, she has. She has come back from Cuba. She to...

  • 【目錄】仁愛版九年級英語上冊PPT課件


    仁愛版九年級英語上冊PPT課件、Flash動畫課件,全冊免費下載。由第一PPT模板網整 理,免費提供給各位老師下載使用。仁愛版九年級英語 上冊課件,大部分類型為PPT課件,小部分為FLASH動畫課件,也包括部分MP3課文朗讀。為了方便各位教師下載課件,第一PPT模板...

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