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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版二年級英語下冊 > 《What are the kids playing?》PPT免費課件

《What are the kids playing?》PPT免費課件

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《What are the kids playing?》PPT免費課件《What are the kids playing?》PPT免費課件

外研版二年級英語下冊《What are the kids playing?》PPT免費課件,共17頁。


play catch

They are playing catch.


The boy is catching the girl.

Let’s watch

Bird: What are you doing?

Bear: I’m catching them.

Bird: Oh, you’re not catching them. You’re swimming!

Let’s learn

What are the kids playing?

They’re playing catch. The girls are running. The boys are catching them.

Can I play with them?

Of course,  you can.

Let’s chant

We’re playing in the playground.

Some are running.

Some are skipping.

Some are playing catch.

Some are playing football.

Together in a match.




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