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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版八年級英語上冊 > 《I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again》Accidents PPT課件下載(第2課時)

《I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again》Accidents PPT課件下載(第2課時)

《I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again》Accidents PPT課件下載(第2課時) 詳細介紹:

《I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again》Accidents PPT課件下載(第2課時)《I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again》Accidents PPT課件下載(第2課時)

外研版八年級英語上冊《I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again》Accidents PPT課件下載(第2課時),共27頁。

The beginning of the story


was bitten by a snake

in the kitchen

one day

The result of the accident

Result: Answer the questions.

1.Who helped Alice?

2.How did he help Alice?

Talk about the ending of the story.

Why did it happen?


How to avoid the accident?

After the accident…

Work in pairs to evaluate your compositions

1. Handwriting

2. Basic elements

3. Expression

4. Grammar


Draw the mind map about the new story.

Retell this story to your parents

Teaching Objectives

1. Language competence

2. Knowledge migration

3. Handle emergencies calmly.

Important & Difficult Points

Use the right tenses in writing.

How to use“when, while, so, because and then”correctly in writing practice.

... ... ...

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