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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版七年級英語下冊 > 《What did you do last weekend?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第3課時)

《What did you do last weekend?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第3課時)

《What did you do last weekend?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第3課時) 詳細介紹:

《What did you do last weekend?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第3課時)《What did you do last weekend?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第3課時)

人教版七年級英語下冊《What did you do last weekend?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第3課時),共26頁。


To read and understand the passage about activities at the weekend.

To learn to write about what you did last weekend.

Dicuss your last weekend

On Saturday morning,I did my homework.

On Saturday afternoon,I went boating.

On Saturday night,I went to the cinema.

Look at the pictures and complete the passage.

last Saturday

clean his room

cleaned his room

do his homework

did his homework

help his mom

helped his mom

Write about what you did last weekend.

My last weekend was kind of busy. I washed my clothes on Saturday morning.  On Saturday afternoon, I went to the library. I read a book there. I cooked dinner in the evening. On Sunday morning, I used the computer. On Sunday afternoon, I played ping-pong. On Sunday evening, I did my homework. 

Last weekend was fun. On Saturday morning, I went shopping at the supermarket with my mother and then we had lunch at home. After lunch, I helped my father with some housework. Later in the afternoon, I played volleyball with my friends at the park. On Sunday morning, I wrote a letter in English to my pen pal. Then I had lunch with my friends at a restaurant near our home. In the evening, I watched a movie with my parents.


1. Write down the words and expressions in this unit.

2. Write a short passage to introduce your last school trip.

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