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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版九年級英語上冊 > 《What are the shirts made of?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第1課時)

《What are the shirts made of?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第1課時)

《What are the shirts made of?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第1課時) 詳細介紹:

《What are the shirts made of?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第1課時)《What are the shirts made of?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第1課時)

人教版九年級英語上冊《What are the shirts made of?》SectionB PPT教學課件(第1課時),共29頁。


To learn to understand and use the passive voice(present tense) be + v(ed). 

To talk about the international kite festival.

If you know more about the international  kite festival, you can talk more about it.  

Lead in

Do you know what festival is it?

It’s Wei Fang International Kite Festival.

Do you like flying kites?

What kind of kites do you have?  

Kite flying is a traditional, widely popular sports game among the Chinese people. 

Listen to a conversation between Laura and Zheng Yun and  circle the correct answers.

1.Laura is trying to find out more about:

A. what Zheng Yun did on his vacation.

B. what Zheng Yun thinks about Weifang.

2. Zheng Yun tells Laura about:

A. a kite festival.

B. how to make a kite.

Language Points

1. The international kite festival is held in Weifang every year. 國際風箏節每年在濰坊舉行。

(1) international (connected with or involving two or more countries) 形容詞,意為“國際的”。

► The UN is an international organization.


(2) hold (to have a meeting, competition, conversation, etc.) 意為“舉行”。其過去式和過去分詞都是held。

► We are going to hold a meeting tomorrow.


2. The competitors at the festival are from all of the world.風箏節的選手來自全國各地。

competitor (someone who tries to win in a race or 

competition )名詞,意為“參賽者;競爭者”。

► We soon knocked over our competitor.




*The competitors at the festival are from. . . 


*The two teams compete for the championship. 


*Who was the winner in the singing competition? 



Read after the listening materials after class.

Search information about traditional Chinese art works. 

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