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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 人教版七年級英語上冊 > 《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT課件

《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT課件

《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT課件 詳細介紹:

《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT課件《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT課件

《Do you have a soccer ball?》PPT課件

Practice the conversation with your partner. Then ask and answer questions about the things in the picture below.

Do you have a ping-pong bat?

Yes, I do.

Do you have a ping-pong ball?

No, I don’t.

Role-play the conversation. 

Cindy: Hey, Helen, let’s go! We’re late.

Helen: OK.

Cindy: Do you have the baseball?

Helen: Yes, I do. It’s in my bag.

Cindy: And where’s our baseball bat?

Helen: Bill has it.

Cindy: Oh, yeah. And do you have your jacket?

Helen: Oh, no, I don’t. It’s on the chair. Let me get it. 

Cindy: And your hat, too!

Helen: OK, I have my jacket and hat. Let’s go. 

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1. have作動詞,意為“有”,一般指某人擁有某物,側重于所屬關系。其第三人稱單數形式是has。

常用句式為:某人 + have/has + 某物,表示“人有某物”。


2. late “遲到” 是個形容詞,常用 be 

late 的結構。

e.g. Jack is always late. 


3. we是人稱代詞主格,意為“我們”,在句子中作主語。如:

We are good friends. 我們是好朋友。

We have a new soccer ball. 我們有一個新足球。

... ... ...


1. 你有一只棒球拍嗎?_____ you ______ a baseball _____?

2. 埃里克有一個網球嗎?_____ Eric ______ a  _______ ball?

3. 戴爾有一個足球和一個排球。Dale _____ a ______ ball and a ___________.

4. 我有一個籃球和一個乒乓球拍。I _____ a ___________ and a ping pong ____.

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