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《How can I get there?》PPT課件7

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《How can I get there?》PPT課件7《How can I get there?》PPT課件7

《How can I get there?》PPT課件7


A.Let’s try

1.They want to go to the bookstore.

2.The cinema is next to the bookstore.


I like ……

How can I get to ……?

Turn left/right at

... ... ...

Look at the map,then fill.

1. Where is the hospital? It’s_____the center.

2.The library is_____the museum.

3.The park is in_____the hospital and the bookstore.

4.The museum is on the_____of the hostipal.

5.The cinema is_____the post office.

... ... ...


1.聽學生用書第6頁Let’s talk中的對話錄音并跟讀,學完之后背誦。



關鍵詞:《How can I get there?》教學課件,人教PEP版六年級上冊英語課件,六年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《How can I get there?》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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