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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版二年級英語下冊 > 《What's he doing?》PPT課件

《What's he doing?》PPT課件

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《What\s he doing?》PPT課件《What\s he doing?》PPT課件

《What's he doing?》PPT課件

She’s singing.

She’s reading.

She’s writing.

She’s dancing.

She’s walking.

He’s reading. 

... ... ...

What  are you doing?   I’m   …ing.

What’s she doing?  She’s …ing.

What’s he doing?  He’s  …ing.

What’s it doing?  It’s   …ing.

What are they doing?  They’re…ing.

... ... ...

What are you doing?

We’re very late.

Hurry up!

Hurry up!

Please finish your cake!

What are you doing? 

Please put on your shoes! 

Hurry up! 

Hurry up! 

There’s no time to lose. 

關鍵詞:《What's he doing?》教學課件,外研版一起點二年級下冊英語課件,二年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《What's he doing?》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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  • 《What's he doing?》PPT下載

    《What's he doing?》PPT下載

    外研版二年級英語下冊《What's he doing?》PPT下載,共26頁。 創設情境 Listen, point and say A: Whats he doing? B: Hes eating. A: Whats he doing? B: Hes running. A: Whatre they doing? B: Theyre singing. A: Whats she doing? B: shes dancing. Lis..

  • 《What's he doing?》PPT課件2

    《What's he doing?》PPT課件2

    《What's he doing?》PPT課件2 Whats he doing? Hes eating. Whats he doing? Hes running. Whats he doing? Hes playing hide-and-seek. Theyre playing hide-and-seek. ... ... ... Where is Sam? Hes behind the tree. Whats he doing? Hes playing hide-..


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