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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版四年級英語上冊 > 《It was my birthday on Saturday》PPT課件2

《It was my birthday on Saturday》PPT課件2

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《It was my birthday on Saturday》PPT課件2《It was my birthday on Saturday》PPT課件2

《It was my birthday on Saturday》PPT課件2


What are they doing?

What is he doing?

What is Amy doing?

She is reading a letter.


A:What are you doing?


... ... ...

Listen and answer:

Who is the letter from?

The letter is from Lucy.

Where does Lucy live?

She lives in London.

What's Zara like?

She's got_____  ______ hair.

She's very _____.

... ... ...

Listen and judge 1

1.Amy is reading a letter.

2.The letter is from Lingling.

3.The letter is from London.

4.London is very hot now.

Listen and judge 2

1.Lucy is ten now.

2.It was her birthday on Saturday.

3.Zara is Lucy’s new friend.

4.Zara has got long, black hair.

... ... ...

Our task

Introduce one of your new friends and describe your happy vacation. Then, write a letter to one of your classmates about your experience. 

Dear _____,

How are you? I’m very well. London is very _____ now. Is it cold in Beijing too? It ____ my birthday on Saturday. Now I’m nine. Here is a photo of me on my birthday.

This is my new friend, Zara. She’s got _________ hair. She’s very ______. This is a picture of Zara and me. We _____ at Buckingham Palace.

Write to me _____. _____ me about China.

From, ____

... ... ...


(已背熟100分 / 已背60分 / 沒簽字0分)

2. 抄、背、聽詞和句。

3. 繼續完善你寫給Lucy寫的信.

4. 讀一讀Amy給Lucy寫的回信。P4


M1 U1  Lucy lives in London.

Dear _____,How  are you?

Write to me soon.


關鍵詞:《It was my birthday on Saturday》教學課件,外研版一起點四年級上冊英語課件,四年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《It was my birthday on Saturday》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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