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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 外研版五年級英語上冊 > 《We're going to tell stories》PPT課件

《We're going to tell stories》PPT課件

《We're going to tell stories》PPT課件 詳細介紹:

《We\re going to tell stories》PPT課件《We\re going to tell stories》PPT課件

《We're going to tell stories》PPT課件

What’s he doing?

He’s telling a story.

Listen and watch 

Who is going to have a birthday party?

Lingling is going to have her birthday party. 

She is going to be eleven.

... ... ...

An invitation to …

Birthday Party    生日聚會

Dinner Party   宴會

English  Evening  英語晚會

Wedding Celebration  結婚典禮

Graduation Ceremony  畢業典禮

... ... ...

Listen again and answer the questions:

1.What are they going to do?

They are going to have lunch together.

2.Is she going to have a birthday cake?

Yes,  she is.

3.What is  her mum going to do?

Mum is  going to make a cake for her.

4.What are they going to do after lunch?

They are going to tell stories.

5.Are they going to see a film?

No,they are going to help mum tidy up.

... ... ...


1. It’s _____ invitation to my party.

A: a     B: an    C: ×

2. You’re going to help me ___ !

A: tidy up     B: tidying up     

3. Are you going to go to school?______

A: Yes, you are. B: Yes, I am.

4. I’m going to _____ 11.

A: ×   B: is    C: be

... ... ...


Listen and read the dialogue.

Do a survey:What are you going to at your birthday party?

Make a plan for your weekend.(write on your exercise-book)

關鍵詞:《We're going to tell stories》教學課件,外研版一起點五年級上冊英語課件,五年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《We're going to tell stories》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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  • 《We're going to tell stories》PPT教學課件

    《We're going to tell stories》PPT教學課件

    外研版五年級英語上冊《We're going to tell stories》PPT教學課件,共13頁。 Lead-in Lets sing a song: Happy birthday to you! How many children are there? There are five. What are they eating? Theyre eating a birthday cake. What are they doing..


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