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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 新目標英語九年級全冊 > 《Life is full of unexpected》PPT課件10

《Life is full of unexpected》PPT課件10

《Life is full of unexpected》PPT課件10 詳細介紹:

《Life is full of unexpected》PPT課件10《Life is full of unexpected》PPT課件10

《Life is full of unexpected》PPT課件10




例:When I got to the station, the train had already left. 


After he had finished his homework, he went to bed.


... ... ...


1) By the end of last year, I _________ (be) to the West Hill Farm three times.

2) By the time I got up, Mom _______ (go) out for some exercise.

3) I __________(learn) 1,000 English words by last term.

4) By 9 o’clock last night, we _______ (get) 200 pictures from the spaceship.

5) When I went into the classroom, the final bell _______ (ring). I was happy that I wasn’t late.

Can you remember a lucky or an unlucky day? What happened? Make some notes about what you remember?

☺ What was the date?

☺ What happened first?

☺ Was this lucky or unlucky? Why?

☺ What happened next?

☺ How did the day end?

☺ How did you feel about this day?

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I will always remember the date…

This was the luckiest /unluckiest day of my life…

When I woke up that morning…

Later that day…

I couldn’t believe …

Then/After that…


I think….

What a lucky/an unlucky day! 

... ... ...

1 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.

cancel     miss       west        accident

lady        officer    market     unexpected

Last Saturday after my French course , I decided to drive to the ______  to buy a meat pie for dinner. As I was heading _____ , I saw a huge truck in the middle of the road. There had been a(n) ______ and there were many police _______  around. I turned around and decided to go to a nearby mall. However, I _______ the road that led to the mall. Then I saw a restaurant that sold chicken noodles. I went inside and the _____, who was the owner, served me the most delicious bowl of chicken noodles ever. I had made a(n) _______ discovery! I’m so glad that I _______ my plan to go to the market.

2 Think of ways to finish the answers.

1.A: Why didn’t you hand in your science homework?

B: Before I could start working on it, __________________

2. A: Why didn’t you take a shower this morning?

B: By the time I got up, _____________________

3. A: Why did you have to walk home from school?

B: By the time I left my school,___________________

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1. 復習本單元內容。

2. 對同學進行調查, 看他們在生活或工作中有沒有被人愚弄或是否愚弄過別人,寫篇短文,和大家分享。

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