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《Care for the Earth》PPT下載

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《Care for the Earth》PPT下載

第一部分內容:Read and circle

1.Her grandpa drinks( many/much) tea every day.

2. These boys waste(too many/too much) water.

3. You are eating(too many/too much) ice-creams.

4. —(Is/Are) there any milk in the cup?

—Yes, there (is/are).

... ... ...

《Care for the Earth》PPT,第二部分內容:Read and answer

Where does Cara live?

Cara lives in a small house.

What’s near Cara’s house?

There is a river near Cara’s house.

What does Ada eat and wear?

Ada eats much meat and wears nice dresses.

Does Ada feel happy?

Yes, she does.

... ... ...

《Care for the Earth》PPT,第三部分內容:Practice

Hello, everyone. We will climb the mountain this weekend. We will enjoy ourselves there. But don’t forget:

We shouldn’t litter everywhere, and we should put 

the litter into the trash can.

We shouldn’t pick flowers and waste water.

We should __________________.

... ... ...

《Care for the Earth》PPT,第四部分內容:Homework


2.根據本單元所學加上自己的見解,以“Care for the Earth” 為題寫一篇。

3.預習“Unit4 Let’s learn”。


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