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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 上海教育版六年級英語上冊 > 《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT

《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT

《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT 詳細介紹:

《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT

《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT

第一部分內容:Free  talk

1、Do you think breakfast is important?

2、Why do you think breakfast is important?

what did you have for breakfast this morning?

what did you have breakfast this morning?

I had some ______ ________

what did you have breakfast this morning?

I had ____________

... ... ...

《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT,第二部分內容:課堂問題

1、How about your breakfast?

T:I had  an egg and milk for breakfast

1Did you have breakfast this morning?

2 What did you have for breakfast?

I had ___________

3 Do you think your breakfast is healthy?

2、we go back to our text,How about their breakfast?




關鍵詞:上海教育版六年級上冊英語PPT課件免費下載,《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT下載,.PPT格式;

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  • 《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT下載

    《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT下載

    《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT下載 第一部分內容:新課導入 How many meals are there in a day? breakfast lunch supper/dinner Do you have breakfast? ---Yes, we/I do. What did you have for breakfast this morning? ... ... ... 《Healthy or unhealt..

  • 《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT課件

    《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT課件

    《Healthy or unhealthy》PPT課件 第一部分內容:Look and learn How many meals are there in a day? breakfast (in the morning) lunch (in the afternoon/at noon) dinner/supper (in the evening) Look and say 1. What are they talking about? 2. Can..


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