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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 上海教育版六年級英語上冊 > 《Trees》PPT


《Trees》PPT 詳細介紹:



第一部分內容:Look and read

We plant trees on Tree Planting Day

Dig, dig, dig a hole. 

Put, put, put the tree, in, in, into the hole.

Fill, fill, fill the hole. 

Water, water, water the tree. 

Go, go! Let’s go!

Think and say

Are there a lot of trees around your home? Do you like them?

Why do we need trees?

When is Tree Planting Day?

What do we get from trees?

What can we make out of wood?

... ... ...

《Trees》PPT,第二部分內容:Ask and answer

1.Who is the bird’s friend?

2.What does the bird often do in the tree?

3.When autumn comes, what does the bird have to do?

4.Spring comes. Can the bird see the tree? Why/Why not?

5.What happened to the tree?

6.Where did the bird go? Did she meet the tree there?

7.What did the bird do at last?

... ... ...

《Trees》PPT,第三部分內容:Read a story

Autumn comes. 

The bird has to fly to the south.

Bird: See you next spring, Mr Tree. 

Tree:  See you, Miss Bird. I’ll miss you.   

Spring comes. The bird comes back, but she cannot see the tree.

Bird: Where’s Mr Tree?

Grass:  Some workers cut him down and took him to a factory.

The bird flies to the factory.

Bird: I’m looking for my friend Mr Tree. Where is he? 

Gate: The workers cut him into wood. They used the wood to make matches. Then they took the matches to a village.

... ... ...

《Trees》PPT,第四部分內容:The story about Mr Tree

Some workers cut Mr Tree down and took him to the factory. There they cut him into wood. Then they used the wood to make matches. After that, the workers took the matches to the village. A girl used the last match to make a fire.

The story about the bird

fly to the factory

look for

fly to the village

see a girl

... ... ...


1. Listen to and read Student’s Book pages 76 and 77.

2. Retell the story“The bird and the tree”.

3. Finish Workbook pages 63 and 65.


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