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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 廣州版六年級英語下冊 > 《Where will you go?》PPT課件

《Where will you go?》PPT課件

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《Where will you go?》PPT課件《Where will you go?》PPT課件《Where will you go?》PPT課件

《Where will you go?》PPT課件

第一部分內容:Let’s go travelling!

If I can travel abroad, 在外國 

I will go to …

I will choose the USA.

I'll go to Washing.D.C.

I'd like to visit the White House.

Washington D.C. is the capital of America and it’s famous for the White House.

I will choose Britain.

I'll go to London.

I'd like to visit the Big Ben and Tower Bridge.

London is the capital of the UK and it’s famous for the Big Ben and the Tower Bridge.

... ... ...

《Where will you go?》PPT,第二部分內容:Fill the blanks

If they can travel abroad, Ben will go to _______. Because  he loves _____and  he can see many ________and ________ in _________.

Janet will _____ Australia. She wants to see the ____________ and the___________ .

Xiaoling wants to go to ________. Because  ________ is a modern city and it’s a great place to _________. She wants to buy a ______ there.

Jiamin  will go to  ________. Because he loves food and  ________ is the food ______of the world.

... ... ...

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  • 《Where will you go?》PPT

    《Where will you go?》PPT

    《Where will you go?》PPT 第一部分內容:學習新課 Washington .D.C.華盛頓哥倫比亞區 the capital of America White House(白宮) White House is famous for WashingtonD.C. South Africa I love nature in South Africa. Natural beauty is famous for..


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