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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 牛津譯林版英語七年級上冊 > 《Welcome to our school》PPT

《Welcome to our school》PPT

《Welcome to our school》PPT 詳細介紹:

《Welcome to our school》PPT《Welcome to our school》PPT《Welcome to our school》PPT

《Welcome to our school》PPT

第一部分內容:Warm up


1.How many lessons do we have today?

2.What are they?

What subject does Kitty have?

What subject do they have?

What subject does Millie have?

What subject is this?

... ... ...

《Welcome to our school》PPT,第二部分內容:自學

Self-learning 1


(1)自學內容: Page31 part A


1.自學part A,完成課本練習并小組校對答案。


Self-learning 2

(1)自學內容: Page 31 part B


1.聽PartB 磁帶,回答問題。



Self-learning 3

(1)自學內容: Page 30 對話



a. Which subject does Eddie like best?

b. How many cakes does Eddie want to eat?



... ... ...

《Welcome to our school》PPT,第三部分內容:Exercise:

1 There is going to be a club_________(meet) this weekend.

2 We should brush our_________(tooth) twice a day.

3 Jim feels________(real) sorry about the bad news.

4 My classroom is on the________(one) floor.

5 How many__________(parent) meetings do you have each term?

6 Jim studies English______(good). He is good at it.

7 Mr. Wu teaches______(we) English this year.

8 The_________(build) next to the library is the school hall.

9 These QQ numbers are their_________(friend).

10 The _________(member) of our class like swimming .

... ... ...

《Welcome to our school》PPT,第四部分內容:Homework

1 背誦對話

2 完成課課練

關鍵詞:牛津譯林版七年級上冊英語PPT課件免費下載,《Welcome to our school》PPT下載,.PPT格式;

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