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《Know yourself》Flash動畫課件

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《Know yourself》Flash動畫課件《Know yourself》Flash動畫課件

《Know yourself》Flash動畫課件


關鍵詞:牛津譯林版九年級冊上冊英語Flash動畫課件免費下載,《Know yourself》動畫下載,.swf格式;

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    牛津譯林版九年級英語上冊《Know yourself》ReadingI PPT習題課件,共24頁。 基礎鞏固練 一、根據首字母及漢語提示完成單詞。 1. Li Hong came first in the 100-metre r_______(賽跑)in the sports meeting last week. 2. [2017無錫] Sometimes to take t..

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    牛津譯林版九年級英語上冊《Know yourself》PPT習題課件,共17頁。 基礎鞏固練 一、根據首字母及漢語提示完成單詞。 1. N_______(兩者都不)of the two children is from Beijing. They are from Hefei. 2. She likes to keep everything in the kitchen in..

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