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第一PPT > PPT課件 > 英語課件 > 仁愛版英語八年級下冊 > 《I have some exciting news to tell you》SectionC PPT

《I have some exciting news to tell you》SectionC PPT

《I have some exciting news to tell you》SectionC PPT 詳細介紹:

《I have some exciting news to tell you》SectionC PPT《I have some exciting news to tell you》SectionC PPT《I have some exciting news to tell you》SectionC PPT

《I have some exciting news to tell you》SectionC PPT


Review: Word competition

郊游   field trip

恰當的  proper

價格  price

付費  pay (for)

冰箱  fridge =refrigerator

賓館  hotel

標準(的)  standard

舒服的  comfortable

Review: Sentences competition

1.  一張電影票的費用是58元,我們花116元買了兩張。(cost, pay)

A ticket to the movie  costs ¥58, and we paid 116 for two. 

2.  他們有98元的貴賓(VIP)票。

They have tickets at ¥98 for the VIP.  

3.  我要預定一間雙人的標準房間。(book)

I want to book a standard room with two single beds. 

4. 房間里的空調讓他覺得很舒服。

The air conditioning in the room made him feel comfortable.

... ... ...

《I have some exciting news to tell you》PPT,第二部分內容:Complete and act out the dialog.

A: Hello, Fuzhou Railway Station. ________________

B: I’d like to ______ ______ ______ to Mount Huang. 

A: OK. The train leaves at 10:00 p. m. and _______ _____ Mount Huang Railway Station at 11:00 a. m. 

B: All right. What about the _______?

A: We have tickets _______ ¥ 360 for the soft sleeper and ¥240 for the hard sleeper. _______ _______ do you want?

B: I’d like 8 tickets _____ the hard sleeper.

A: Eight hard sleeper tickets. OK. Please ______ _____ the tickets before 18:00. And ______ ______ ______ your name, please?

B: Sure. My name is Cheng Tao. 

A: And your ________ _________?

B: It’s 13563856358. Thanks. 

A: It’s my pleasure. 

... ... ...

《I have some exciting news to tell you》PPT,第三部分內容:Exercise

1. 我有一些令人興奮的事告訴你。

I have_____ _____ ____ ____ ___ you.

2. 你們的任務就是查明旅行費用。

Your task is ____  ____  ____the cost of the trip.


After they sold out tickets, they____ ____ _____.

4. 我期待著去泰山的旅行。 

I’m ______ ______ _____ the trip to Mount Tai. 

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《I have some exciting news to tell you》PPT,第四部分內容:Summary

We learn: 

New words and phrases: 

raise (money), king, queen, common, Canadian, dollar, forward, look forward to

The infinitive:

The best way to raise money is to sell newspapers.

Why don’t we put on a show to raise money?

We can: 

Talk about money raising activities and choose the best one. 

Use the infinitive:

登泰山的最好時間the best time to climb Mount Tai

決定乘火車decide to take the train 

建議我們去籌錢advise us to raise money

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《I have some exciting news to tell you》PPT,第五部分內容:Homework

1.Review the key points in Section A - C. 

2.Collect more verbs with the structure “v. + to do sth. ” and “v. + sb. + to do sth. ”

3.Preview Section D. 

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