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《Clothes for a Cold Day》Colours and Clothes PPT課件

《Clothes for a Cold Day》Colours and Clothes PPT課件 詳細介紹:

《Clothes for a Cold Day》Colours and Clothes PPT課件《Clothes for a Cold Day》Colours and Clothes PPT課件《Clothes for a Cold Day》Colours and Clothes PPT課件

《Clothes for a Cold Day》Colours and Clothes PPT課件

第一部分內容:Let’s review.

Whose is this?  Whose are they?

Danny’s  Bob’s  Lynn’s  Kim’s

Words and expressions

catch  v.    接住; 抓住; 染上(病)

n.   抓球(游戲)

ready  adj. 準備好的

dinosaur  n.    恐龍

T-shirt  n.    短袖汗衫

jacket   n.    夾克;上衣

forget  v.    忘記

hat    n.  帽子(指有邊的帽子)

pants   n.  褲子

colourful  adj.  豐富多彩的

so  adv. 非常;那么;很

bright  adj.  明亮的;耀眼的

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Clothes for a Cold DayPPT,第二部分內容:Answer the questions.

1. How is the weather?

It’s cold and raining.

2. Does Danny like to wear shorts or pants?

Danny likes to wear shorts.

3. What does Danny finally wear to school?

A green T-shirt, shorts and a jacket.

4. Where is Danny’s umbrella?

In his schoolbag.

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Clothes for a Cold DayPPT,第三部分內容:Language points

1. How is the weather? 天氣怎么樣?


例:—How is the weather today?

—It’s sunny.

2. go well with 和......相配

例:Your jacket doesn’t go well with your shorts.



1. Role play the conversation in groups;

2. Role play the conversation in front of the class.

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Clothes for a Cold DayPPT,第四部分內容:課堂練習


1. It’s _____ (sun). You can put on your pants.

2. It’s ______ (rain) now. Don’t forget your u_______.

3. It’s _______ (cloud). I can put off my sunglasses.


1.  別忘了你的雨傘。外面正在下雨。

____ ______ your ________. It’s raining.

2. 今天很冷。你不能穿短褲和T恤。

It’s ____ today. You _____ wear a _____ and ______.

3. 我的書包里有很多支鉛筆。

There are many ______ in my ________.

4. 這頂帽子的顏色和這件襯衣不協調。

The _____ of the hat doesn’t __ ____ ___ the   blouse.

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Clothes for a Cold DayPPT,第五部分內容:Homework

1. Practice dialogues after class.

2. Prepare for the next lesson.

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