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《Seasons and Weather》Days and Months PPT課件下載

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《Seasons and Weather》Days and Months PPT課件下載《Seasons and Weather》Days and Months PPT課件下載《Seasons and Weather》Days and Months PPT課件下載《Seasons and Weather》Days and Months PPT課件下載《Seasons and Weather》Days and Months PPT課件下載

《Seasons and Weather》Days and Months PPT課件下載




What day is it today? How is the weather? 

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Seasons and WeatherPPT,第二部分內容:課文呈現

1)What season do you like?

Ms.Liu:Good morning,Class. What day is it today?❶

How is the weather? ❷

Wang Mei:It's Monday today. It's snowing ❸ !I like winter weather.

Ms.Liu:That's great,Wang Mei.How about you,Class?What season do you like?

Li Ming:I like spring.I love green grass and rainy days.

Yang Hao:I like autumn.It is nice and cool. ❹

Li Lin:I love summer.I like to go swimming in summer.

2)How is the weather?

What day is it today?How is the weather?It's Monday today. It's cold and cloudy. We can stay inside and drink some tea.

What day is it today?How is the weather?It's Tuesday today.It's sunny and fine.Let's play outside and have a good time ❺ .

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Seasons and WeatherPPT,第三部分內容:知識講解


What day is it today?今天星期幾?


其答語用“It is…”。

eg:—What day is it today?今天星期幾?

—It's Monday.今天星期一。


eg:You can stay at home for three days.



How is the weather?天氣怎么樣?

eg:Please smell the soup!請聞聞這湯!


eg:—How is the weather today?


—It's fine.天氣很好。

談論天氣是西方人見面時互相寒暄、打開話題、擺脫冷場和尷尬局面的最佳選擇。此句還可以跟“What's the weather like?”互相替換。即:

How's the weather?=What's the weather like?

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Seasons and WeatherPPT,第四部分內容:Let's Do It !

1) What day is it?How is the weather?Listen to the dialogues and match the day of the week with the weather.

2) Read Part 1 of the lesson and write true(T)or false(F).

1.Wang Mei likes winter.                   (   )

2.Li Ming likes snowy days.                (   )

3.Yang Hao likes cool weather.          (   )

4.Li Lin doesn't like to go swimming.  (   )

3) Read the clues and answer the questions using “it”.

What season is it?

1.This season is hot and sunny.→It is summer.

2.This season is warm and windy.→______________

How is the weather?

1.I want to fly a kite.→__________________

2.Let's go skating!→___________________

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Seasons and WeatherPPT,第五部分內容:課堂練習


Wednesday outside snow  go skating 

have a good time

1. ___________ comes after Tuesday.

2. It's very hot ________.You'd better stay at home.

3. Many friends are at my birthday party now and we are _________________ .

4. —Do you like to __________ in winter?

—Yes,I do.

5. —What's the weather like today?

—It's ________.


6. —________?

—It's  warm and sunny.

A.How's the weather like

B.What's the weather

C.Do you like spring

D.How's the weather

【點撥】本題采用交際法。由答語“天氣暖和且晴朗。”可知問句是在問天氣狀況。詢問天氣狀況可用“How's the weather?”或“What's the weather like?”。故選D。

7. My father likes________.

A.snowy     B.day

C.snow day         D.snowy days


8. —________?

—It's Thursday.

A.What season do you like

B.How is the weather

C.What day is it today

D.What is the weather like

【點撥】本題采用交際法。由答語可知問句詢問的是星期幾,What day is it today?句意為:今天星期幾?故選C。

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Seasons and WeatherPPT,第六部分內容:課堂小結


(1)重點單詞:snowy, outside等

(2)重點短語:have a good time等

(3)重點句式:What season do you like?

What day is it today?How is the weather?

It’s nice and cold.等。

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Seasons and WeatherPPT,第七部分內容:課后作業



關鍵詞:冀教版七年級上冊英語PPT課件免費下載,Seasons and WeatherPPT下載,Days and MonthsPPT下載,.PPT格式;

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