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《Canada and the U.S.》Countries around the World PPT

《Canada and the U.S.》Countries around the World PPT 詳細介紹:

《Canada and the U.S.》Countries around the World PPT《Canada and the U.S.》Countries around the World PPT《Canada and the U.S.》Countries around the World PPT

《Canada and the U.S.》Countries around the World PPT

第一部分內容:Warm up

What countries will we learn about today?

1.They are east of China. 

2.They are next to each other.

3.People in these two countries speak English.

... ... ...

Canada and the U.S.PPT,第二部分內容:Presentation 

New Words about Canada

French   法語

Ottawa  渥太華

leaf--leaves  葉子

beaver   海貍

Niagara Falls  尼亞加拉大瀑布

waterfall  瀑布

... ... ...

Canada and the U.S.PPT,第三部分內容:Answer the questions:

1. Who live in Canada?

Jenny and Danny.

2. What language do they speak in Canada?

English and French.

3.What is the capital city of Canada?


4.What country is south of Canada?

The U.S.

... ... ...

Canada and the U.S.PPT,第四部分內容:Language points

1.What do you know about Canada?



例:I know it.



know of“聽說過,知道”

know about“了解,知道……情況”

2. …and it's famous all over the world.



be famous for“因……而著名”;

be famous as“作為……而著名”。

例:Li Bai is famous ____ a writer.

He is famous ____ his poems. 

3. Here is a map of the United States.


Here be…是倒裝句式,其中be動詞的選用遵循“就近原則”。

例:Here is a pen and two pencils.

Here are two pens and a pen.

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Canada and the U.S.PPT,第五部分內容:Cultural tips:

The CN tower in Toronto is  553.3 meters tall. But you can get to the top of it in 53 seconds(秒) with the help of an elevator(電梯).

The Rocky Mountains covers  a long area. The climate(氣候) changes from subtropical climate(亞熱帶氣候) to arctic climate(極地氣候).

You can say “Hello” to New York from the crown(王冠) of  the Statue of Liberty. By the way, the Statue of Liberty is not “Made in the U.S.”. It’s a gift from France!

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Canada and the U.S.PPT,第六部分內容:Exercise 


1. 加拿大在中國東邊。

Canada is ______ ____ China.

2. 加拿大的旗子上有一片葉子。

Canada’s _____ ____ a leaf on it. 

3. 美國在加拿大南邊。

The U.S. is ______ ____ Canada.


1. Tom lives in Ottawa so he is from ______.

A. China  B. Canada

C. the U.S.     D. the U.K.

2. The flag of Canada is ______.

A. red and blue  B. red and yellow

C. red and white   D. red 

... ... ...

Canada and the U.S.PPT,第七部分內容:Homework

What else do you know about the U.S. and Canada?

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