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《A Visit to Xi'an》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT教學課件

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《A Visit to Xi'an》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT教學課件




Look at the pictures above. 

They are the places of interest in Xi’an. 

Do you want to know about them?

... ... ...

A Visit to Xi'anPPT,第二部分內容:課文呈現

1) Xi’an—the Walled City

Welcome to Xi’an—the Walled City.

You can walk along the wall in the Walled City. It is about 12 kilometres long and over 600 years old. You can climb up the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. It is over 1 300 years old.

You can hit❶ the ancient drum in the Drum Tower. You can also ring the ancient bell in the Bell Tower.

You can visit the famous Terra Cotta Warriors. They are over 2 000 years old!      

Eat delicious Chinese food and enjoy     the special dishes ❸of Xi’an. 

Xi’an has a long history. You will have a lot of fun here in this ancient city!

2)The Terra Cotta Warriors

Tour Guide:Welcome to the Terra Cotta Warriors. We call them Bing Ma Yong in Chinese. This is an ancient place. Let's go to the first pit! 

... ... ...

A Visit to Xi'anPPT,第三部分內容:知識講解


hit/hɪt/ v.(hit/hit)擊;擊中


eg: We’ve hit our ball over the fence!


Listen!Someone is hitting the drum.


hit sb.on the head擊中某人的頭

hit sb.in the face打在某人的臉上





其過去式及過去分詞為enjoyed, 現在分詞為enjoying。

eg: My brother enjoys reading storybooks.




常用復數形式dishes,前常加the。do the dishes 

相當于wash the dishes,意為“清洗餐具”。

eg:I wash the dishes every day.


dish 作可數名詞時,還意為“菜肴,一道菜”。

eg:John likes cold dishes.約翰喜歡涼菜。


move/muːv/ v.移動;搬動

其名詞為movement, 形容詞為 moved“感動的”,moving “令人感動的”。move作動詞還有“感動”的意思。

eg: Give me a place to stand and I will move the world.


... ... ...

A Visit to Xi'anPPT,第四部分內容:Let's Do It !

1)What can you see in Xi’an? Listen and tick the correct pictures.

2) Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1.How long and how old is the wall in Xi’an?

It is about 12 kilometres long and over 600 years old.

2.What places of interest does Part 1 of the lesson talk about?

The Big Wild Goose Pagoda,the DrumTower,the Bell Tower and the Terra Cotta Warriors.

3. What does Danny want to do?Can he do it?

He wants to sit on one of the horses. No,he can’t. 

4. What does Jenny want to do? Can she do it?

She wants to take photos. No,she can’t.

... ... ...

A Visit to Xi'anPPT,第五部分內容:課堂練習


1.They need a g________ to lead the trip.

2. Many people like the a________ buildings in Xi'an.

3. Bad luck! A ping­-pong ball h________ my head.

4. Can you help me m________ the desk?

5. It is the first week of my________ (旅行)in Sichuan.


take photos, move, climb, hit, places of interest

6. The Greens are _________________to New York. Let's say goodbye to them.

7. Would you like_________________ up the mountain to see the sunrise?

8. I visit many _________________.

9. You can't_________________ here.

10. You can_________________ the big drum in the Drum Tower.


11.Baoding is one of the most beautiful _______ in Hebei.

A.city B.citys

C.cities D.the city

【點撥】 固定搭配法。one of +(最高級)+名詞復數,表示最……之一。

12.My old neighbor Charles enjoys __________ photos. He always goes out with his camera.

A.take B.to take

C.taking D.took

... ... ...

A Visit to Xi'anPPT,第六部分內容:課堂小結





關鍵詞:冀教版七年級下冊英語PPT課件免費下載,A Visit to Xi'anPPT下載,A Trip to the Silk RoadPPT下載,.PPT格式;

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