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《A Blog about the Silk Road》It's Show Time! PPT下載

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《A Blog about the Silk Road》It\s Show Time! PPT下載《A Blog about the Silk Road》It\s Show Time! PPT下載《A Blog about the Silk Road》It\s Show Time! PPT下載《A Blog about the Silk Road》It\s Show Time! PPT下載

《A Blog about the Silk Road》It's Show Time! PPT下載




Everyone likes going on a trip. 

They all have a good time. 

How does Li Ming like his trip to the Silk Road? 

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A Blog about the Silk RoadPPT,第二部分內容:課文呈現

Li Ming had a good time❶ on his trip to the Silk Road. He wants to write about his trip.


I just got back from a great trip to the Silk Road. My friends from Canada went with me. On our trip, I realized many things about China. Our country has a very long history and a rich culture.

I saw and experienced❷ a lot on the trip. We went to see the Terra Cotta Warriors and the ancient city of Xi’an. The history of China is so alive in these places. I learned so much!

This trip opened my eyes. I saw my own history and culture in a new way. I hope to travel more around my country someday.

Where should❸ I go next?Does anyone❹ have any suggestions❺?

Here are some photos from my trip. Enjoy!

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A Blog about the Silk RoadPPT,第三部分內容:知識講解


Li Ming had a good time on his trip to the Silk Road.李明在去絲綢之路的旅行中過得很愉快。

have a good time意為“過得愉快”。

eg:Did you have a good time last night?


have a good time的同義短語:have a great/nice/wonderful time=have fun= enjoy oneself。

on one’s trip to...意為“在某人去……的旅行中”。

eg:I lost a book on my trip to Beijing.




eg:She experienced the joy of helping others.





eg: My Chinese teacher has a lot of experience in teaching.



eg: That’s a wonderful experience for me.




情態動詞,無人稱與數的變化,后跟動詞原形。否定式為should not = shouldn’t, 變一般疑問句時,should 提到主語前,但要注意大小寫。

eg:What should I do?  我應該做什么呢?


eg:You should listen to the teacher carefully in class.


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A Blog about the Silk RoadPPT,第四部分內容:Let's Do It !

1)Which pictures does Li Ming NOT mention?

Listen to the passage and tick.

2) Read the lesson and fill in the blanks.

Li Ming had a good time on his trip to the Silk Road. He saw and ______________ many great things. On the trip,he learned China has a ________ history and a ________ culture. The history of China is ________ in the ancient city of Xi’an. He ________ to travel more around his country someday.

3) Wang Mei is searching for more information about the Silk Road. 

Work in groups. Help her answer the questions below.

1.When did people begin to travel along the Silk Road?

2.What other cities or districts does the Silk Road go through?

3.How did it get the name the “Silk Road”?

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A Blog about the Silk RoadPPT,第五部分內容:課堂練習


1.I __________(eat) Lanzhou noodles in Gansu last week.

2.Tom and Sam __________(take) many photos on their trip to Xi'an last year.

3.Where should he __________(put) his violin?

4.Tina __________(open) the door and walked out of the room.

5.Look! Danny is __________ (ride) his bike.


6.Who is the greatest man__________?

A.alive B.living  

C.live D.lively


7.I didn't meet__________new at the party.

A.someone   B.everyone  

C.no one      D.anyone

【點撥】everyone一般用在肯定句中,指每個人;anyone一般用在否定句、疑問句、if從句中;someone用于肯定句中,指“某個人”;no one指“沒有人”。句意為“我在聚會上沒有遇到任何新人”。

8.My father wants __________a new car.

A.buy B.buys  

C.to buy D.buying

【點撥】want to do sth. 意為“想要做某事”。

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A Blog about the Silk RoadPPT,第六部分內容:課堂小結

本節課主要學習了李明去絲綢之路旅行后的感受,掌握了知識點experience, should, anyone, suggestion和have a good time的用法,提高了閱讀理解和綜合運用語言的能力。




關鍵詞:冀教版七年級下冊英語PPT課件免費下載,A Blog about the Silk RoadPPT下載,It's Show Time!PPT下載,.PPT格式;

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